Jesus Christ the Crucified — Don Fortner

(Tune: #355 From Every Stormy Wind that Blows — LM)


1.    All glory to the SaviorÕs name,

Who bore our sin and guilt and shame,

Who for us lived and for us died, —

The name of Jesus crucified.


2.    Mercy and justice in Him meet,

In Him salvation is complete!

The law is fully satisfied

By Jesus Christ the crucified!


3.    To see Christ Jesus crucified

Exalts free grace and breaks our pride.

ÔTis here we see eternal love

And gain all blessings from above.


4.    Here then my trembling soul shall rest. —

In Christ I am forever blest,

Forever saved, and glorified,

With Jesus Christ the crucified!









Don Fortner



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