Here Wisdom Shines and Justice Too



Don Fortner

(Tune: #414 – Am I A Soldier of the Cross? -- CM)


O love, eternal love, how great, That formed salvation’s plan!

            In Christ God’s great perfections meet To rescue fallen man.



Here wisdom shines and justice too, While angels stoop to see,

            How mercy o’er the guilty reigns, As Christ for sinners bleeds!



Behold God’s mercy and his truth As they at Calv’ry meet,

            When Christ paid justice all its due, And filled the mercy-seat!



Yes, righteousness and peace have kissed To purge iniquity,

            That God, the just, might justify Sinners like you and me!



Such is the wisdom of our God, (Amazing depths of grace!)

            By which from wrath’s vindictive rod He saves His chosen race!