Christ’s Entrance within the VeilDon Fortner

(Tune: When I Can Read My Title Clear #497 — CM)


1.    Christ Jesus entered once within

The veil with His own blood;

Our great High Priest, our Sacrifice,

Appears before our God.


2.    By His own blood He has obtained

Eternal redemption;

Almighty grace, almighty blood

Obtained our redemption!


3.    Our Savior did what we could not —

He brought in righteousness;

Christ paid the debt we never could —

He satisfied justice!


4.    We are secure, we need not fear

Our banishment from God,

While Christ, our Advocate on high,

For us pleads His own blood.


5.    Lord Jesus, Savior, Son of God,

We live by Your shed blood;

We lift our hearts to praise You for

Your great, redeeming blood.









Don Fortner



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