Arise, My Soul, Be Gone All Fears  Don Fortner

(Tune: O For A Thousand Tongues #46 ― CM)


1.        Arise, my soul, be gone all fears,

I am a child of God!

Lean hard upon His mighty arm.

He is the faithful Lord.

2.        Though troubles overwhelm my soul

And break my heart with pain,

My God is my Defender still ―

He will my cause maintain!

3.        The way is rough, the tempter strong,

And I am weak and frail;

But Jesus is my Refuge, and

His strength will never fail.

4.        Though earthly joys all flee away

And sorrows multiply,

Yet, Christ the Lord my Portion is ―

He will my needs supply!

5.        The Spirit is my Comforter,

The Seal of covenant grace.

He seals to me the love of God

And floods my soul with grace.

6.        With such a God, and Savior, and

With such a Comforter,

“Arise, my soul,” I say, “Arise,

Arise, be of good cheer!”