Sermon # 44                                                 Series: Matthew


            Title:             Jesus Only”
            Text:             Matthew 17:8
            Subject:        “Christ is All”

            Readings:   Office: Lindsey Campbell – Aud. Buddy Daugherty

            Date:            Tuesday Evening – May 16, 1995
            Tape:            R-36




            Peter, James, and John were with the Lord Jesus on the mount of transfiguration. There they saw the Savior transfigured before them. We do not know what that vision was like. But we do know that it was a dazzling display of his divine glory and majesty (II Pet. 1:16-18; John 1:14; I John 1:2). Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared on the mountain with them and talked to Christ about the death he must accomplish at Jerusalem (Lk. 9:32). Needless to say, Peter, James, and John were awestruck! I would be too. Wouldn’t you? When Peter saw and heard Moses and Elijah, he blurted out, “Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee, one for Moses, and one for Elijah!”  The Lord Jesus said nothing. But while Peter was yet talking, “A cloud overshadowed them” God simply snuffed out Moses and Elijah. He took them out of the picture. “And behold a voice spoke out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.”


            Moses and Elijah were removed from the scene for a reason. The Old covenant was vanishing away. The dawn of a new day and a new covenant had come. When the Lord God said, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.” He was saying to Peter, James, and John and to you and me – “Moses and Elijah have been fulfilled. Moses and Elijah have nothing more to say or do.  All that they said and all that they did was in preparation for and pointed to the coming of my beloved Son. Here he is. Hear ye him! Moses and Elijah, the Law and the Prophets have no other function.”


            At Sinai the people were forbidden to make any approach to the presence of God. They were not allowed to even touch the mountain. In the Tabernacle and in the Temple a thick, thick veil stood before the most holy place, constantly separating the people from God. The law did nothing to bring sinners into God’s presence. It never could (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 10:1-4).  In fact, it did just the opposite. The law forbade men from evening trying to approach the holy Lord God! No one could ever approach the holy, holy, holy God of heaven and earth until the law was fulfilled, its curse removed, and sin was put away by the satisfaction of God’s justice. The Lord Jesus, so to speak, came down the mountain to the people, tore down the veil, and by the blood of his cross opened to fallen men a way of access to the Lord God! (Heb. 10:19-23).


            When the disciples saw Christ in his glory and heard God speak from heaven, they fell on their faces. They realized that they were in the awesome presence of the glory of God and were terrified by it. That is always what happens when a sinner realizes who he is before the holy Lord God.


            Illus: Job – Moses – Isaiah – Daniel – Ezekiel – Peter – John


            Then, after they fell before him in utter terror, we read that…



Now, read verse 8 with me. “And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.”  That is my subject tonight – Jesus Only.


            When the law has been both honored and silenced and you look up to see the One whose obedience has fully satisfied the law, you will see “Jesus only.” When you are made to understand that all the prophets have been fulfilled and you look up to see who fulfilled all those prophetic visions and promises given in the Old Testament, you will see “no man, save Jesus only.”


            I realize that you have all come here from a day of toil and care. Your bodies are fixed. Perhaps your hearts are heavy. May God the Holy Spirit graciously enable you to forget all your earthly cares for just a little while, invigorate your bodies, refresh your minds, and allow you to see “Jesus Only” for a while. Try to think of nothing, Ask God to allow you to think of nothing tonight but the facts that you are a great sinner saved by a great Savior – “Jesus Only!”




            The Lord Jesus Christ alone is our salvation, comfort, strength, and hope.




            I am not going to preach tonight. I simply want by the Spirit of God, to lead your hearts in the worshipful meditation toward our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ I want us to meditate on these five things:


  1. Jesus Only is our Savior.
  2. Jesus Only is our Lord.
  3. Jesus Only is our Rule of Life.
  4. Jesus Only is our Hope Before God.
  5. Jesus Only is our Reward.


I.  Jesus Only is Our Savior.



In the matter of salvation Christ stands entirely alone. We put no trust in the flesh, in ourselves, or in anything we do or experience. We trust “Jesus only!”


I hope you can honestly say that.



We trust Christ alone…


A.  For Righteousness!



B.   For Redemption!



C.  For Sanctification!



D.   For Preservation!



E.  For Glorification!



Either Christ Alone is my Savior, or I have no Savior! Either he completely saves, or he does not save at all. If so much as the will to be saved depends upon me, I cannot be saved (John 5:46). If, after having been saved for 50 years, I should be required to reach back and drag my foot across the threshold of heaven, I would sink at last into hell.



II.  Jesus only is our Lord and Master.



I know that the Lord Jesus Christ is the sovereign Monarch of the universe and the Ruler of all men, the wicked as well as the righteous. But he is the Lord of his people willingly, by our voluntary consent.



A.  True faith voluntarily surrenders all things to the rule of Christ.



B.  True faith trusts Christ’s providential rule of all things.



C.  True faith is obedient to Christ as Lord.


            The Church of God is a Kingdom under the rule of Christ by voluntary consent, willingly obedient to



III.  Jesus only is our Rule of Life.


            We are not slaves under the dominion of the law. We are children, walking in the path of our Elder Brother because we love him and seek the honor of his name.



Our rule of life is not the ten commandments, but the whole revealed will of God given to us in Holy Scripture. It is summarized in two commandments, two motivating forces by which we are governed in all things.



A.  Faith in Christ.

B.  Love for One Another.


IV.  Jesus Only is Our Hope Before God.



My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

When all around my soul gives way,

He then is all my hope and stay.

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand,

All other ground is sinking sand.


A.  My only assurance and peace is Christ.



Illus: Happy Jack – “I am a poor sinner and nothing at all; but Jesus Christ is my all in all!”


B.  Christ alone is my plea before God.



C.   Christ alone is able to present me faultless before the presence of God’s glory.



Illus: Rowland Hill’s Dream.


“Bold shall I stand in that great day,

For who aught to my charge shall lay,

While through Christ’s blood absolved I am

From sins tremendous guilt and blame?”


V.  Jesus only is our Reward in Heaven.



In heaven’s eternal glory I want nothing and hope for nothing but Jesus only. He is the crown I seek and the beauty I desire.



Here is a sampling of the prospect before us…


A.  Soon we shall be with Christ (John 14:1-3).

B.  Soon we shall see his face (Rev. 22:4).

C.  When we see him we shall be like him (I John 3:2).

D.  We shall be fully satisfied with him (Rev. 21:1-4).

E.  And the Son of God shall be fully satisfied with us! (Isa. 53:11). Imagine That!


