Sermon # 192           Series: Isaiah


Title:  Taking Hold of The Covenant

Text:  Isaiah 56:4-6

Subject:  The Covenant of Grace

Date:   Sunday Evening – October 9, 1994

Tape #:  Q-54




The Jews had an arrogant, totally unbiblical assumption that no Gentile could ever stand in a covenant relationship with God.  But in text, Isaiah boldly spake of despised eunuchs and strangers being united with chose Jews among the people of God (Rom. 10:20).  Sinners among the Gentiles, those who appeared to be shut out from the covenant are here encouraged to take hold of God’s covenant and join themselves to the Lord by doing so.  Tonight, I want to talk to you about Taking Hold of The Covenant.


Proposition:  It is the privilege of all believers and our highest comfort and joy to take hold of God’s covenant.




  1. What is this Covenant?
  2. How Can I Take Hold of The Covenant?
  3. What Is There In The Covenant for Me To Take Hold of?
  4. When Should I Take Hold of The Covenant?
  5. Why Should I Take Hold of The Covenant?


I.  What Is This Covenant?


This is the first question to be settled.  We must know the teaching of Holy Scripture in this regard.  Few today understand what God’s covenant is.  Consequently, they cannot take hold of it.  To understand what this covenant is is to hold the key to all theology.  Though there are many, many covenants spoken of in the Word of God, all these covenants between God and man really represent just one of two covenants. The Old Covenant or the New Covenant, the Covenant of Works or the Covenant of Grace, the Covenant God made with Adam or the Covenant God made with Christ.


A.  The First Covenant Revealed in The Bible is The Covenant of Works That God Made With Adam in The Garden.


The Lord God made Adam the covenant head and representative, the substitute for all men, and gave him a covenant of works – “This do and live” (Gen. 2:15-17).


  1. Adam broke the covenant and plunged all his race into a state of sin, condemnation, and death (Rom. 5:12).
  2. This covenant of works is what was later represented in the giving of the law – “This do and live!”

Note:  Not that the law was given as a way of life, but to show us the impossibility of salvation by the works of man.

       3.   All who hope to be accepted before God and saved on the basis of their works are cursed and will perish under the wrath of God – (Gal. 3:10) -  “By   the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified!”


“Vain are the hopes the sons of men

On their own works have built;

Their hearts by nature are unclean,

And all their actions guilt.


Let Jew and Gentile stop their mouths

Without a murmuring word;

And the whole race of Adam stand

Guilty before the Lord.


In vain we ask God’s righteous law

To justify us now;

Since to convince and to condemn

Is all the law can do!”


B.  But blessed be the name of the Lord, There is Another Covenant.


The second covenant spoken of in the Scriptures is the covenant made with Christ on behalf of God’s elect before the World began.  In that covenant Christ, as our Surety, promised to…



We rejoice to know that he did it!  He has redeemed us.  And he will bring all his redeemed ones home to glory!  (Heb. 7:22; Matt. 1:21).


“Jesus, how glorious is thy grace!

When in Thy name we trust,

Our faith receives a righteousness

That makes the sinner just!”


Let’s read about this covenant…



  1. It is an Everlasting Covenant – But Even Now!
  2. It is a Covenant of Pure Grace.
  3. It is a Covenant Ordered in All Things and Sure.
  4. It is an Immutable Covenant.
  5. It is a Covenant of Salvation.
  6. It is a Covenant Ratified by Blood.
  7. It is a Covenant Enforced by A Living Testator!


II.  How Can I Take Hold of This Covenant?


Our text speaks of taking hold of the covenant.  I take that to mean that we are to, by one means or another, claim the covenant and appropriate its blessings and benefits to ourselves.  But how can I do that?


A.  I must turn Loose of The Covenant Works!



“Nothing in my hands I bring

Simply to Thy cross I cling!

Naked come to Thee for dress,

Helpless look to Thee for grace!”


B.  Initially, We Take Hold of The Covenant by Believing Christ.



C.  But having come to Christ, having trusted him, still we must Take Hold of The Covenant and Appropriate to ourselves, by every means possible, everything in the covenant.


      Illus:  An Insect, or Worm Clinging to A Plant


  1. Is there a covenant promise to those who confess their sins?  (I John 1:9) – Then I will confess my sin!
  2. To those who Seek the Lord in Prayer?  (Rom. 10-13).
  3. To those who are Baptized?  (Mark 16:16).
  4. To those who Gather to worship Him? (Matt. 18:20).
  5. To those who Honor Him?  (I Sam. 2:30; Pro. 3:7-10; Mal 3:6).
  6. To those who Gather At His Table?  “Remember” – “Showforth!”
  7. To those who Look for Him?  (Heb. 9:28).


III.  What Is There In The Covenant For Me To Take Hold Of?


Time will not permit me to elaborate on this point, to tell even what I know.  And I know that there is much more in the covenant that I do not know then there is that I know.  But here are seven things I know I can lay hold upon in the covenant of grace.  I hope you can too.


A.  Complete Atonement (Rom. 5:11).

B.  Perfect Righteousness (II Cor. 5:21; Rom. 10:4; Jer. 23:6).


·         Righteousness Finished (John 17:4).

·         Redemption Finished (John 18:30).


C.  Divine Providence (Rom. 8:28).

D.  Unfailing Intercession (I John 2:12).

E.  Divine Protection (Isa. 54:17).  (God’s Presence, God’s Help, God’s Grace)

F.  Divine Preservation (John 10:28; Phil. 1:6).

G.  Heavenly Glory (Rom. 8:17).


IV.  When Should I Take Hold of God’s Covenant?


A.  When I need Grace!

B.  When I need Help!


·         In Service.

·         In Temptation.

·         In Trial.


C.  When I need Comfort!


·         In the Teeth of Sin!

·         In the Teeth of Trouble!


D.  When I am Leaving This World (II Sam. 23:5).


V.   Why Should I Take Hold of The Covenant?


Let me put the question to you another way – Why shouldn’t you take hold of the covenant?


A.  Many others just like you have done so.


·         Self-righteous Pharises!

·         Condemned Theives!

·         Demon Possessed Men!

·         Harlots!

·         Blasphemers!

·         Fornicators!


B.  Of All The Vast Multitudes Who Have Come To Christ, There Has Never Been One Who Was Rejected by Him.


“Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out!”


C.  You are exactly the kind of person for whom the covenant was made.


The fountain has been opened for sinners and unclean folk (Zech. 13:1).


D.  There is nothing else for you to take hold of!


      Illus:  Voltaire’s Son.  “There’s nothing to hold on to!”




1.       There is a Covenant of Grace.

2.       All for whom that covenant was made and fulfilled shall be saved.

3.       If you would be saved, you must take hold on God’s covenant.

4.       If you take hold of the covenant by faith, by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are saved and all the blessings and benefits of the covenant are yours!