Sermon #1104                                        Miscellaneous Sermons


          Title:           “Redemption Through His Blood”

          Text:           Ephesians 1:7


          Subject:     Redemption by the blood of Christ

          Date:          Sunday Morning – September 12, 1993

          Tape #      




          Last Saturday night, during our Bible Conference, Bro. Jim Byrd, gave us an excellent outline of Ephesians 1:7. As soon as he started giving the outline I was able to complete it in almost his exact words. It is that obvious in the text. So today, I want you to open your Bibles to Ephesians 1:7. Using Bro. Jim’s outline, I want to expound this verse of Scripture to you. The title of my message and my subject for the hour is “Redemption Through His Blood!” What a glorious subject this is! Nothing is more needful and nothing is more delightful than “Redemption Through His Blood.”


          Redemption presupposes a very grave situation. It presupposes captivity, bondage, and slavery. Were we not a fallen, captive, enslaved race, there would be no need for redemption. But God’s elect, like all other people, are all children of wrath by nature. We were born…


1.    In captivity to sin (Psa. 58:3).

2.    In bondage to satan.

3.    Under the curse of the law.


Redemption is the complete deliverance of chosen sinners from that captivity, bondage, and curse into the glorious liberty of the sons of God – By the purchase of His blood and the power of His grace.


          Redemption is the theme of the Bible. It is promised, prophesied, portrayed, and proclaimed throughout the pages of inspiration. Everything in the Old Testament pointed to it. Everything in the New Testament explains and declares it. Everything in heaven has reference to it.


1.    Redemption by price – The Paschal Lamb.

2.    Redemption by power – The Red Sea.

3.    Redemption by a Kinsman – Boaz.

4.    Redemption by a Substitute (Isa. 53).


Redemption is the dominant theme of my thoughts in prayer, meditation, and worship. Redemption is the dominant theme of my praise and thanksgiving. Redemption is the dominant these of my conversations with men. And redemption is the dominant theme of my preaching.


E’er since by faith I saw the stream

Thy flowing wounds supply,

Redeeming love has been my theme

And shall be till I die!


If I did not preach redemption, I would not preach at all. I mean, if I did not preach redemption through his blood every time I stood to preach I would not pretend to be God’s preacher! (1 Cor. 2:2).


Illustration: “Stay right here!”


          Redemption through his blood” is the one thing you must have. Without redemption you must perish. Someone must suffer for your sins. Someone must pay for your crimes - Either you or a Subsitute. But someone must pay. Your very conscience tells you that!




          I am here to tell you that redemption has been accomplished and purchased for chosen sinners through the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and all who trust him have it.




          I want to show you six things plainly declared in this verse of Holy Scripture about “Redemption Through His Blood.”


1.    The Purchaser of redemption – “In Whom.”

2.    The objects of redemption – “We.”

3.    The fact of redemption – “We have.”

4.    The price of redemption – “His blood.”

5.    The result of redemption – “The forgiveness of sins.”

6.    The cause of redemption – “The riches of His grace.”


I. The Purchaser of redemption is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Notice those first words, “In Whom.” All the blessings of God’s free grace for time and eternity are in Christ, “In Whom we have redemption through his blood!”


          A. Christ is the Author of it.

          B. He was called and appointed to be our Redeemer in eternity in the Covenant of Grace, and freely agreed to it (Psa. 40).

          C. In the fullness of time he was sent to accomplish the redemption of a chosen multitude (Gal. 4:4-6).

          D. Jesus Christ, as our near Kinsman, had the right and the ability to redeem us (Heb. 2:9-16).

          E. “With his own blood he entered once into the Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption for us!” (Heb. 9:12).


1.    Redemption is His – He did it! He obtained it! He owns it!

2.    It resides in Him.

3.    He is made of God unto us redemption by divine imputation (1 Cor. 1:30).


II. The objects of redemption are God’s elect, “we” who are actually redeemed!


          NOTICE: Paul says, “In whom we have redemption through his blood.” Everywhere the Bible speaks about redemption, it speaks of it as an effectual work of Christ accomplished for a specific people (Rev. 5:9; Isa. 53:10-12; Gal. 3:13-14).


          Who are the “we” in this text? Who are those people redeemed by the blood of Christ? We are not left to guess and speculate about this. Just read the chapter. It tells us exactly who the “we” are who have “redemption through his blood.”


          A. All who were blessed in verse 3.

B. All who were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world in verse 4.

C. All who were “predestinated unto the adoption of children” in verse 5.

D. All who are “accepted in the Beloved” in verse 6.

E. All who are forgiven of all sin in verse 7.

F. All who have obtained the inheritance of grace in verse 11.

G. All who have faith in Christ in verse 13.

H. All who are sealed in grace by the Spirit of God and have the earnest of the inheritance in verse 14.


          Universal redemption is universal non-sense! We preach an effectual Savior who has obtained and in whom we have an effectual redemption.


III. Thirdly, Paul shows us the fact of redemption- “In whom we have redemption through his blood!”


          Redemption is the present, everlasting possession of every believer. It is not something we hope to have. It is something we have right now! Being redeemed, I am right now and forever..


          A. Freed from sin (1 John 3:5; Rom. 6:18).

          B. Freed from satan (Rom. 6).

          C. Freed from the law (Rom. 7:1-4; Rom. 8:1).

          D. A possessor of everlasting life!


IV. Here is the price of our redemption – “His blood!” – “In whom we have redemption through his blood!” Let’s talk about his blood for a minute.


          A. His blood represents his life sacrificed for us – “The life of the flesh is in the blood.”

          B. His blood is a man’s blood – Man sinned. Man must suffer!

          C. His blood is God’s blood (Acts 20:28).

1.    Infinite in merit!

2.    Omnipotent in power!

3.    Omnipresent in efficacy!

D. His blood is enough!


Payment God cannot twice demand,

First at my bleeding Surety’s hand,

And then again at mine.


          E. His blood is covenant blood (Heb. 13:20).

          F. His blood is eternal blood (Rev. 13:8).

          G. His blood is sprinkled blood (Heb. 9:12-14).

1.    In heaven!

2.    In your conscience!

H. His blood is assuring blood (Heb. 10:19-22).


          The price of our redemption was his blood! “Ye are bought with a price…!”


V. The result of redemption is “the forgiveness of sins.”


          Wherever there is redemption through his blood there is the forgiveness of sins. You cannot have one without the other.


          A. Forgiveness was purchased for us by the blood of Christ.

          B. Forgiveness is given to us upon the merit of his blood.

          C. Forgiveness is ours in exactly the same sense that it is Christ’s. He was released from the load and from the charge of sin when he had fully paid the debt of sin, and so are we.


1.    God has forgiven us of all past sins.

2.    He has forgiven us of all present sins.

3.    He has forgiven us of all future sins.

·        He has removed them from us (Psa. 103:12).

·        He casts them into the depths of the sea.

·        He blotted them out (Isa. 43:25).

·        He will not impute them to us (Rom. 4:8).

·        He has purged them away!

·        He will not remember them against us forever!

·        He will never deal with us any the less graciously because of our sins.


VI. The cause of redemption is “the riches of his grace.” “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.”


          A. Grace planned it.

          B. Grace provided it.

          C. Grace performed it.

          D. Grace applies it.

          E. Grace will complete it – Resurrection!

          F. Grace will have the praise of it.


Application: I call upon you to trust the Lord Jesus Christ our great Redeemer.


          I press upon ;you and myself, my brothers and sisters, the claims of his blood (1 Cor. 6:19-20).


‘Twas not to make Jehovah’s love Towards the sinner flame,

That Jesus from His throne above A suffering Man became.


‘Twas not the death that He endured, Nor all the pangs He bore

That God’s eternal love procured, For God was love before.


He loved the world of His elect With love surpassing thought;

Nor will His mercy e’er neglect The souls so dearly bought!


The warm affections of His breast Towards His chosen burn,

And in His love He’ll ever rest, Nor from His oath return.