Sermon #132 Luke
Title: A Short, But Vital Sermon
Text: Luke
Subject: Receiving
the Kingdom of God
A Little Child
Date: Sunday
Evening—October 31, 2004
Tape # Y-48
Readings: Rex Bartley and Ron Wood
Our text tonight is very
brief. It contains just three verses. Yet, in these three verses, we have
recorded one of our Master’s most important messages. The title of my message
tonight is — A Short, but Vital
Sermon. Our text will be Luke 18:15-17.
18:15-17) “And they brought unto him
also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it,
they rebuked them. (16) But Jesus called them unto him, and
said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such
is the kingdom of God. (17) Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not
receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.”
False Teachings
Very few passages in the New
Testament have been so perversely twisted to teach false doctrine as these
three verses. For that reason, I must, at least briefly, address two of the
perverse things men most commonly use these verses to teach.
1. Infant Baptism — Papists and those who
continue to practice the Romish ritual, commonly refer
to these verses as a defense of sprinkling water on babies.
If there were any place in the Bible where we might expect to find some
mention or example of “infant sprinkling” this would be the place; but that is
not the case. This practice of what is called “infant baptism” is totally
without foundation in Holy Scripture. There is not so much as one word in the
Bible that teaches, or even implies it. And there is not a single example of it
in the entire Bible. It is a practice purely of Roman Catholic origin. It is
vainly hoped, by those who practice infant sprinkling that the baby sprinkled
with a little water is thereby regenerated, or at least given one foot up
toward God. The practice is, of course, totally contrary to the plainest
declaration of Holy Scripture, both with regard to salvation and baptism.
· It is a complete contradiction of the gospel
of God free and sovereign grace in Christ. Salvation does not come by water, be
it much or little, but by grace. It is not the result of some man’s priestly
pretense, but of God’s sovereign operation.
· Infant sprinkling is also totally contrary to
the teaching of Holy Scripture about baptism. Baptism is immersion, picturing
the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and our death, burial and
resurrection with him (Rom. 6:3-6). It is called “believer’s baptism” because
only believers are to be baptized. Baptism is the believer’s symbolic
confession of faith in Christ.
— These verses are also used by many to defend the practice of talking little
children into making a “decision for Jesus” and calling it salvation.
I do not think, or suggest, that the Bible teaches what men call an age
of accountability. That is not the issue. The issue is faith in Christ. Neither
men and women, nor children, who are born of God need to be manipulated into
professing faith in Christ. Indeed, if someone talked you into a profession of
faith, you know that it was no more than that. You may hold onto it until you
go to hell, but what you have is not salvation, just a religious profession.
When God the Holy Spirit saves sinners, giving them faith in Christ, they are
made willing disciples of the Son of God.
Having said that, I will say
no more, though much more needs to be said, said boldly and said often about
such perverse religious practices. Let me give you a brief exposition of these
three verses. Then I will give you the Master’s message in them.
Verse 15 — “And they brought unto
him also infants.” — The word translated “infants” is used with
regard to unborn children, little babies, and young children. On this occasion,
people brought these infants to the Savior, just as others brought adults to
him who were sick, that they might be healed by his touch, as we see in the
next words.
“That he would touch them.”
—They brought these children to the Master that he might, as was his custom,
heal them of their diseases by touching them.
“But when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them.”
— The disciples rebuked those who brought these sick children to the Master. We
are not told why the disciples’ rebuked those who brought these children. They
may, very well have had what they thought were good reasons for doing so. In
fact, that appears to have been the case, because the Lord Jesus did not, in
any way scold them for their action. But this much is certain. — They did not
bring the children to the Savior to be baptized by him. As John Gill
“From this rebuke and prohibition of the disciples, it looks plainly as
if it had never been the practice of the Jews, nor of John the Baptist, nor of
Christ and his disciples, to baptize infants. Had this been then in use, they
would scarcely have forbidden and rebuked those that brought them, since they
might have thought they brought them to be baptized. But knowing of no such
usage that ever obtained in that nation, neither among those that did, or did
not believe in Christ, they forbad them.”
Verse 16 — “But Jesus called them
unto him.” — The Lord Jesus called for these children who were brought to
come to him. That fact is sufficient to tell us that these “infants” were not
infants in the way we commonly speak of infants. They were obviously young
children, probably less than twelve years old, but not new-born babies, or
nursing babies. They were at least old enough to be capable of coming to the
Master on their own.
When he called the children
to himself, stretching out his arms to receive them, the Master said, to his
disciples, — “suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.”
— Our Lord Jesus was such a gracious, humble, accommodating man that he readily
seized the opportunity to tenderly embrace young children, take them on his
lap, and minister to them. He was so gracious, gentle and kind, that young
children were perfectly comfortable in approaching him.
“For of such is the kingdom of God”. — It is as if our Lord said, “Don’t drive these children away from me. Let them come, and I will teach you something. These children are a good picture of what I require all my children to be: trusting and dependent, harmless and inoffensive, free from bitterness and malice, meek, modest and humble, without pride, arrogance and ambition, having no desire for greatness, just children.”
Verse 17 — “Verily I say unto
you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God” — That is receive
Christ as his King, believing his doctrine, bowing to his authority, obeying
his will. — “As a little child” — In simple faith, meekly, humbly,
trusting him as Lord and Savior. — “Shall in no wise enter therein.”
Proposition: In a word, our Savior here
tells us that there is no true faith except that faith that is exemplified in
childlike qualities.
a profound, needful, vital message this is! May God give us grace to receive
it. — “Verily
I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little
child shall in no wise enter therein.”
There are several things in this short sermon that must not go
1. When the Lord Jesus comes in
saving power and grace into the lives of chosen sinners, he comes as a
King to set up his Kingdom.
He does not come begging for admission. He comes into the hearts of
chosen sinners in sovereign, omnipotent mercy. He binds Satan, spoils him of
his goods, casts him out, and takes possession of his house.
If we
are to come into this Kingdom, we must be brought to Christ the King and
brought into the Kingdom as little children.
Master says, “Of such is the kingdom of heaven” (v. 17). — Mark those
words. There are children in every kingdom, and there are children in our
Lord’s kingdom. John Newton once said, “the majority of persons who are now in
the kingdom of God are children.” I would not argue the point. When I think of
all the multitudes of babies who have died in infancy, who are now swarming in
the streets of glory, I rejoice in God’s great wisdom and goodness. Though
adults, generation after generation, die in rebellion and unbelief, countless
multitudes of infant children have entered into the kingdom of heaven, saved by
the grace of God, through the death of Christ, and forever sing the high
praises of their great Redeemer and Friend before the eternal throne of his
glory. — “Of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
I have no hesitancy in asserting that infants dying in infancy (That
includes the infants slaughtered in abortion, burned upon heathen altars, the
infants of Papists, Mohammedans, and Buddhists.) enter the kingdom God. I am
fully convinced that all of our race who die in infancy are the objects of
God’s eternal love, redeemed by the blood of Christ, and born again by God the
Holy Spirit. Let others object, if they please. For my part, I am delighted
with this. Everything I read in the Book of God convinces me of it. All who
leave this world as babies are saved.
Illustration: After I had begun
preparing this message, I received a lengthy, sad letter from a dear friend of
mine in another state. She and her husband married fairly late in life, just
two or three years ago. They have been trying to have a child. You can imagine
their elation when they learned that she was pregnant. Then, my dear friend
miscarried. You can imagine their disappointment. She wrote to ask me two
Was my unborn child a human being? At what point
is an unborn child a living person?
2. Is my child in heaven?
You can imagine my elation as I wrote back and said,
“Yes, your baby is one of Christ’s jewels, taken from your womb into his
everlasting arms and into his glory.
How are they saved? How do they enter the kingdom? — By works? — By the
exercise of their will? Of course not! They enter the kingdom by the mighty
operations of God’s free grace. And if we enter the kingdom of God, that is
exactly the way we will enter it.
Now, how do they receive the kingdom, for in the same way
must we receive it! Certainly children do not receive it by birth or blood, for
we are expressly told in John’s gospel that the children of God are born not of
blood nor of the will of the flesh. All privilege of descent is now abolished,
and no baby enters into heaven because it was born of godly parents, neither
shall any be shut out because his parents are atheists, or idolaters, or
ungodly. If saved, as we assuredly believe they are, infants must be saved
simply according to the will and good pleasure of God, because he has made them
his own by election, redemption, and regeneration.
this, too. “They brought unto him infants.” These young children were
brought to Christ. The word means, “brought and presented.” So sinners, if ever
they enter into the kingdom of God, must be brought by God the Holy Spirit,
brought by omnipotent, irresistible grace and power, and presented to Christ,
presented to him as the reward of his soul’s travail. Thus, “He shall see of
the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.”
3. Yet, our Lord Jesus is a
King and his Kingdom a Kingdom that must be received by faith.
All Christ’s subjects want
to be his subjects. All his servants are willing, voluntary, bondservants.
We serve him because we want to serve
him. All that is done in the service of Christ is done because of love and
gratitude to him, freely and voluntarily.
And, if ever you are saved,
if ever you enter into the kingdom of God, you must come to Christ yourself,
and receive Christ yourself. And his promise is, “Him that cometh unto me I
will in no wise cast out.”
4. But the primary thing in
this short, one verse sermon, is this. — All who receive this King and
Kingdom, all who enter into the church and kingdom of God must do so as little
children. Let me show you what that means.
Utter Dependence
A little child is completely and utterly dependent.
That is as good and clear a picture of faith
in Christ as I can imagine — Total Dependence. Faith is complete dependence
upon Christ.
Dependence upon Him Alone as Our Savior (1 Cor. 1:30-31).
Dependence upon Him Alone as Our Lord (Pro. 3:5-6).
Dependence upon Him Alone as our Advocate and Intercessor.
A little child is humble, modest, unassuming. He knows that he is just a
Being just a child, he owns nothing. Faith
comes to Christ as absolute Lord and King, giving up all things to him,
willingly, acknowledging that all things are his.
But there is another lesson here. Faith looks
to Christ for everything, offering him nothing.
We trust his expiation, not our experience.
We trust his mediation, not our morality.
We trust his work, not our works.
We trust his sanctification, not our sanctity.
We trust his Priesthood, not our piety.
We trust his sacrifice, not our service.
A little child is tender and loving.
The younger the child, the more this is true.
A young child is crushed by a loving father’s disapproval, or a loving mother’s
frown. He loves mom and dad. He craves nothing more than to do for them, honor
them, and enjoy their approval and delight.
So it is with God’s saints. I am not saying this is
the way it is with religious people, or even with very devoted religious
people. But this is the way it is with God’s people. Believers love Christ and
want to serve and honor him.
Corinthians 5:14-15) “For the love of
Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then
were all dead: (15) And that he died for all, that they which
live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for
them, and rose again.”
(1 John 4:19) “We love him, because he first loved us.”
Illustration: Faith’s Dandelions
A little child is an open book, honest, sincere, and without guile.
Pretense, hypocrisy and show are things a
little child plays. He doesn’t try to live them.
Illustration: A Child’s Prayer
are teachable.
They are not just teachable. They are anxious
to learn. Little children do not have to be convinced of anything by argument
and reason, science and logic. They simply embrace the things plainly revealed
to them. That is why they learn so much so quickly.
The never debate the obvious.
They do not try to make simple things complex.
Illustration: “God made everything, didn’t
he.” — “God
made that door, didn’t he?”
A little child is relatively free of envy and ambition.
Those things they learn by observing us. Two
children who are friends do not even think about what the other is wearing, how
big or little their houses are or where, what kind of car their parents drive,
how much money their parents have in the bank, or what their family heritage
is. And they pay no attention to the color of their skin.
One more
thing you cannot help observing about children. They are quick to forgive.
4:30-32) “And grieve not the holy Spirit
of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. (31) Let all
bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away
from you, with all malice: (32) And be ye kind one to another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath
forgiven you.”
5:1-2) “Be ye therefore followers of
God, as dear children; (2) And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved
us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a
sweetsmelling savour.”
18:15-17) "And they brought unto
him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it,
they rebuked them. (16) But Jesus called them unto him, and
said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such
is the kingdom of God. (17) Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not
receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter