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All of GodÕs saving operations of grace are wrought in us by Òthe power of the Holy Ghost.Ó We have joy and peace in Christ only by Òthe power of the Holy Ghost.Ó We have joy and peace in believing only by Òthe power of the Holy Ghost.Ó And believing God, trusting Christ, we abound in hope only by Òthe power of the Holy Ghost.Ó
Daily Readings for the Week of December 2-9, 2018 Sunday 2 Corinthians 8-11 Thursday Ephesians 3-5 Monday 2 Cor. 12-Galatians 1 Friday Ephesians 6-Phil. 2 Tuesday Galatians 2-4 Saturday Philippians 3-Col.1 Wednesday Galatians 5-Ephesians 2 Sunday Colossians 2-4
á Open House at the Parsonage — December 16th
Happy Birthday! David Burge-4th Jesse Rice-9th Nursery Duty Today: Debbie Bartley (AM) —Celeste Peterson (PM)
GodÕs Son, in Condescending Love — Don Fortner (Tune: #87 — Joy to the World —CM)
1. GodÕs Son, in condescending love, A babe in flesh appeared! He left the shining realms above To be a Servant here.!
2. The Lord of Heaven stooped to earth To do his FatherÕs will, A man of sorrows from his birth, Yet Lord of glory still!
3. Sorrow and suffÕring, toil and pain He, as a Servant, bore, That His elect might live and reign With Him for evermore.
4. He did the work none else could do. Then He resumed His throne, Still keeping His designs in view, And gathÕring in His own.
Though our Lord Jesus Christ was born of a woman and made in the likeness of sinful flesh, yet the power by which he was begotten was entirely in God the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:30-35). The Savior himself declared it (Hebrews 10:5-10). Our Savior was begotten of the Holy Ghost. — ÒThat holy thing which is born of (MaryÕs virgin womb) is the Son of the Highest.Ó The physical frame of the Lord Jesus Christ was the work of the Holy Spirit. He fashioned and formed him by omnipotent power and infinite wisdom.
Have you ever lived out of this country? Pastor Milton Howard
We lived in a foreign country for over 25 years. We lived there. Paid bills there. Had friends there. Had our children there. But all that time, our citizenship was here in this country. We knew that though we went through heartaches, trials, troubles, and conflicts, we were going to leave and come back to this country. It was not our home. Not legally nor emotionally.
We were bound by the laws of that country. But there were so many things that made us different. It was not hard to tell that we did not belong there. We were foreigners. We were in that country, but we were not of that country.
When it rained on that country, we got wet. When the sun shined, it shined on us. But we lived in a way that did not bring reproach on our home country. We lived there during the administrations of Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush, but we never talked against our president.
We did what we could to keep a low profile. When we went to town, we tried to dress in such a way that we did not stand out. We did not mix in the politics of the country. We did not try to persuade people to our way of thinking. We did what we thought was right, and left the rest alone. We left Mexico to the Mexicans.
So in this world believers are subject to the ups and downs of this world. We are sick just like the people of this world. We have tribulation just like all the rest. When there is no food we get hungry like the rest. In this world we submit to those in authority. We lead orderly and peaceable lives. We are simply passing through. Bless it in your travel, but do not yoke yourself with its affairs. You may wish all things were different, but remember you are in a foreign country. When possible we help those among whom we live. We do what we can to point them to Christ – to point them to eternal life. You cannot make the world like Heaven, so do not make it a dwelling place for your soul.
ÒLord, I Believe; Help Thou Mine UnbeliefÓ Mark 9:24 Pastor Todd Nibert
I really believe that Christ is all in salvation and yet I constantly look within for evidences of salvation. I really believe that God is sovereign and yet I worry and complain. I really believe that God is the first cause of all things yet I can harbor anger and resentment. I really desire likeness to Christ yet I still have a desire for sin. Why these contradictions? Because I have two natures - the nature of the first birth and the nature of the second birth. One that always believes; one that never believes. One that always sins, one that never sins. These two natures operating in my one consciousness. Hence my cry, ÓLord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief.Ó
ÒThe Power of the Holy Ghost Romans 15:13
It was by the power of God the Holy Ghost that our crucified Savior was raised from the dead. If you have ever studied this subject, you may have been perplexed to discover that the resurrection of Christ is sometimes ascribed to the Lord Jesus himself. By virtue of his own power and godhead, he could not be held by the bonds of death. As he had power to laid down his life, he had power to take it up again (John 10:17). In other places, our SaviorÕs resurrection from the dead is ascribed to God the Father. — ÒHe raised him up from the deadÓ (Acts 13:34). — God the Father raised him up, Òhaving loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that he should be holden of itÓ (Acts 2:24). And Holy Scripture declares that our Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead by the power of God the Holy Ghost.
By the Father He was raised by the Father. God the Father said, ÒLoose the prisoner. Let him go. Justice is satisfied. My law requires no more satisfaction. Vengeance has its due. Let him go.Ó He was delivered to death for our offenses. Because our sins were made his, justice demanded his death. And he was raised again for our justification. Because he had, by the sacrifice of himself, put away our sins and justified his redeemed, he was raised from the dead, declaring that all for whom he died were justified by his obedience unto death (Romans 4:25).
By His Own Power Our almighty Savior was raised from the dead by his own majesty and power, because he had the right to come out of the grave. He burst the bonds of death, because he could no longer be holden of them. Death no longer had a claim on him.
By the Spirit And he was raised by God the Holy Ghost, who gave the energy of life again to his mortal frame, after he had laid in the tomb for three days and nights (1 Peter 3:18; Romans 8:11; 1 Timothy 3:16). What a great display this is of Òthe power of the Holy Ghost!Ó Could we have stepped in, as the angels did, into the SaviorÕs tomb, we would have seen there his sleeping body, sleeping in hope of the resurrection (Psalm 16:9-10). We would have found his lifeless body as cold as that of any other corpse. But when Òthe power of the Holy GhostÓ came upon him, he arose in the majesty of his eternal divinity and in the majesty of his immortal humanity, God and man in one, God in our flesh resurrected to live forever, ÒKing of kings and Lord of lordsÓ (Revelation 19:16), ÒPrince of the kings of the earthÓ (Revelation 1:5).
New Birth It is by the same, almighty power of the Holy Ghost that sinners are born again in the first resurrection and given faith in Christ (Ephesians 1:19-20). Yes, it takes the same power to raise sinners from death to life, the same power to create faith in man as it took to raise Christ from the dead.
The Grace Bulletin
December 2, 2018
Grace Baptist Church of Danville 2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438 Telephone (859) 576-3400 — E-Mail
Donald S. Fortner, Pastor
Schedule of Regular Services
Sunday 10:00 A.M. Bible Classes 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service
Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Mid-Week Worship Service
Web Pages
Don Fortner
Pastor FortnerÕs