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Spirituality is not just reading the Bible, praying, going to church, and listening to sermons. Spirituality involves living a useful, meaningful life, serving God and his people, making the most of your life as a husband or wife, employee or employer: visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, helping the needy, comforting the disconsolate, living for others rather than for yourself.
Daily Readings for the Week of November 18-25, 2018 Sunday Acts 25-26 Thursday Romans 6-8 Monday Acts 27-28 Friday Romans 9-11 Tuesday Romans 1-2 Saturday Romans 12-15 Wednesday Romans 3-5 Sunday Rom. 16-1 Cor. 3
á We will have our church family annual Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner following our morning worship service next Sunday.
Nursery Duty Today: Brittany Torson (AM) —Celeste Peterson (PM)
Thanksgiving to Our God — Don Fortner (Tune: This Is My FatherÕs World #39 SMD)
For all the wondrous things YouÕve done, for mercy, love and grace! You, from our mothersÕ womb, have carried us along, And promised through old age that You will not forsake Your own!
The Father, and the Spirit, and Christ Jesus, God the Son! The Triune God we praise for all His works of grace; Chosen, redeemed, and called, we are trophies of sovÕreign grace!
As ransomed sinners saved by grace, we give our God His due! While in this world we live, let us live for our God, And may our dying breath express thanksgiving to our God!
People do what they want to do. They do what they do freely and uncoerced. People were not forced to crucify Christ. Pilate was said to have, ÒDelivered Jesus to their will.Ó While they were acting freely and uncoerced, they were doing neither more nor less than ÒWhatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done.Ó Men do precisely what they want, and God exercises absolute sovereignty over manÕs will — a paradox; but certainly not a contradiction. They are both true. — Pastor Todd Nibert
Sin Put Away Hebrews 9:26
Our Lord Jesus Christ put away the guilt of sin by his atoning sacrifice. He put away the punishment of it by his sufferings and death as our Substitute. The incarnate Son of God put away the penalty of the law by his satisfaction of divine justice. He put away the consequences of sin by his obedience unto death. He puts away the dominion of sin in his people by the power of his grace in the new birth. He puts away the filth of sin by his sanctifying grace. And he shall put away the very being of sin in resurrection glory. This work of putting away sin was accomplished by him bearing our sin in his own body upon the cursed tree. He carried it and took it away. This is what was pictured in the Old Testament type of the scapegoat. The Lord Jesus has removed sin from us as far as the east is from the west, by finishing and making an end of it. He disannulled and abolished it, in so far as the law and justice of God is concerned. When he paid our debt, he cancelled it in one day, by his one sacrifice. In one great day, the whole work was done (Zechariah 3:9). Our sins, being forever, effectually put away by the sacrifice of Christ, shall never be found and can never be charged to us again (Jeremiah 50:20; Romans 4:8).
ÒMy sin, (O the bliss of this glorious thought!) My sin, not in part, but the whole, Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more. -- Praise the Lord! It is well with my soul!Ó
Faith concerns the heart. With the mind man becomes informed. With the heart man becomes involved. Therefore when the Bible talks about faith it means getting involved. — Pastor Scott Richardson
ÒDeterminate CounselÓ Acts 2:23
I love those words, Òdeterminate counsel.Ó The purpose of our great God and Savior is unalterably fixed, relentlessly pursued, and perfectly executed. Our Savior came here to do a specific work (Matthew 1:21), a work appointed to him and purposed by him from everlasting (Psalm 40; Hebrews 10); and he was determined to accomplish it, Òstraightened,Ó as he put it, until it was accomplished. It shall be accomplished. It shall be finished. He had come here to accomplish death; and it shall be accomplished (Luke 9:30-31). How will he do it? By what means shall the holy Lamb of God be sacrificed? The altar shall be built, built by manÕs enmity. The sacrifice shall be slain, slain by manÕs hatred. The work shall be done, done by manÕs will. It shall be done exactly according to the purpose of God (Psalms 76:10; Acts 2:23).
ÒMeek and LowlyÓ Matthew 11:29 Pastor Rick Warta
I would venture to say that nothing makes the truth of ChristÕs gospel more odious to needy, dying sinners, than when it comes from proud lips and a combative, militant heart that seeks to Òbe rightÓ by argument and dominion over others to its own glory. But Òthe servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance unto life; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his willÓ (2 Timothy 2:24-26). May God subdue this natural, proud, hateful heart by the disclosure of his own self-abasing, sinner-serving, saving grace to this undeserving, hateful man, that I might see the meekness and lowliness of my Lord who became my only Savior. And as I thus behold his face, may I in turn live on him and tell sinners about him, that they might see his great glory in his salvation (Mark 5:19-20; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 21:5)!
Happy Thanksgiving!
ÒO give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth forever.Ó (1 Chronicles 16:34)
As we gather with our families this week, let us each encourage genuine thanksgiving to the Lord our God for all his boundless free grace and relentless mercy in Christ Jesus. On Thanksgiving Day, let us acknowledge GodÕs sovereign dominion over all the affairs of providence (Romans 8:28; 11:36), knowing that Òall things are of God.Ó Give thanks to him for bountiful harvests, because he sends the sunshine and the rain. Thank him for peace and prosperity, because he makes peace and creates evil. Thank him for life and health, because they are his gifts. Let us also thank him when the barns are empty, the nation is at war, the economy is ruined, and death is at hand, because he who is our God is too wise to err, too strong to fail, and too good to do wrong. His will is best. So, we give thanks to him Òin everything.Ó Be sure to acknowledge and give thanks to our God for his bountiful, saving grace in Christ. When you gather with your families Thursday, do not fail to give thanks to God for Òhis unspeakable gift,Ó the Lord Jesus Christ and his great salvation. Make mention of his electing love, redeeming blood, regenerating power, justifying grace, forgiving mercy, and covenant faithfulness. Let us acknowledge to him and to all who will hear us that we are what we are by the grace of God. If we are saved, he saved us. If we are righteous, he made us righteous. If we are sanctified, he sanctified us. If we persevere in faith, we are kept by his power. I trust you will have a Happy Thanksgiving.
The Grace Bulletin
November 18, 2018
Grace Baptist Church of Danville 2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438 Telephone (859) 576-3400 — E-Mail
Donald S. Fortner, Pastor
Schedule of Regular Services
Sunday 10:00 A.M. Bible Classes 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service
Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Mid-Week Worship Service
Web Pages
Don Fortner
Pastor FortnerÕs