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Grace Baptist Church of Danville

August 12, 2018

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All the dark mysteries and painful experiences of GodÕs providence will be cleared up for GodÕs saints in GodÕs time (John 13: 7).


Daily Readings for the Week of August 12-19, 2018

Sunday                Jeremiah 39-41                         Thursday Jeremiah 51-52

      Monday                Jeremiah 42-45                         Friday                   Lamentations 1-2

      Tuesday              Jeremiah 46-48                         Saturday              Lamentations 3-5

      Wednesday        Jeremiah 49-50                         Sunday                Ezekiel 1-4


á      Our Conference Dates are August 31-September 2.


Happy Birthday!  Vicci Rolley-15th  Jacob Price-16th  Tony Rolley-17th


Nursery Duty Today: Debbie Bartley (AM) — Brittany Torson (PM)


ÒThy Maker is Thine HusbandÓ Don Fortner

(Tune: #46 — O for a Thousand Tongues! — CM)

1.     Saved sinners wed to Christ rejoice,

And take Him at His word.

He says (Oh, listen to His voice!) —

ÒYour Husband is the Lord!Ó

2.     ÒThy Maker and thine HusbandÓ too!

Omnipotence and love

Have stooped to take such worms as you

Up to His throne above.

3.     Though your own sinfulness you see,

And though you often fall,

Your marriage union sets you free. —

Your Husband forgives all.

4.     Though black but comely, pure but vile,

Your Husband knows you well,

Still, He embraces with a smile

And says HeÕll with you dwell!

5.     Soon He will take your spirit home,

The marriage supper give;

You shall no more from Jesus roam,

But with your Husband live!


ÒThy Maker is Thine HusbandÓ

Isaiah 54:5

This is the source of every mercy. Christ is our Husband. His assumption of our nature was the marrying of our nature. Our Lord Jesus is not a private person, but is the head, surety, and representative of his elect. All blessings and promises of the triune God are made and are yea and amen to us in him. Oh, may God the Holy Ghost seal this revelation to our hearts in our day by day experience of his grace. — ÒThy Maker is thine Husband!Ó


God Can be Trusted

Job 23:8-10

Pastor Carroll Poole


God can be trusted. The basis of our trusting God is that he is trustworthy. He is, without exception, at all times, faithful to his word, his promises, and his people.


Trusting His Omnipresence

In Job 23:8-9, Job needs help in the matter of God sometimes hiding his face. Job says: ÒIÕve gone four directions and cannot find him. He is always ahead of me, so I go forward, but he is not there. Sometimes when I linger and back up, I sense his presence, so I went backward, but I cannot perceive him. I turned to the right, and I know heÕs there, but he hideth himself, that I cannot see him.Ó Job certainly knew that his God is omnipresent, which means: everywhere present, but God had completely withdrawn from Job the comforting sense of his presence.

You and I experience the same. God seems to hide himself from us. The prophet Isaiah says in Isaiah 45:15, ÒVerily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour.Ó At the same time, though we may not always sense his presence, we have the blessed promise of Hebrews 13:5. — ÒI will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.Ó God can be trusted, we can afford to believe that promise because it came from ÒGod who cannot lieÓ (Titus 1:2). The Lord made this same promise in Isaiah 41:10. — ÒFear not; for I am with thee.Ó — ÒI will fear no evil: Why? for Thou art with me.Ó He is within hearing distance of your faintest cry. While you are in the furnace, so to speak, seven times hotter than usual, he is there with you. Rejoice in his omnipresence.


Trusting His Omniscience

Omniscience means all-knowing and all-seeing. He who declared the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) can never be surprised, deceived, or disappointed. He knows all and sees all. Job understands this, and says, ÒHe knoweth the way that I take.Ó He is not in the dark about anything. He knows all thatÕs been said, done, or even thought, about any situation. Job has a strong conviction that God knows exactly where he is. I donÕt have to wonder if heÕs missed any detail in the matter, he does not need informing. He is omniscient.

Our adversary the Devil would have you to feel like no one has ever been in your predicament before, that you have it worse than anyone whoÕs ever lived. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says your case is Òsuch as is common to man.Ó The saints through the ages have lived under the same presence you feel right now. They are now safe at home with the Lord, as you shall be also in GodÕs own time. Our God has never been surprised by anything. He knew it all from the beginning. He is not ignorant, puzzled, or unknowing concerning anything in your life: past, present, or future. We shall rejoice in his omniscience.


Trusting His Omnipotence

Omnipotent means all powerful. Job says when God is finished with whatever it is heÕs doing, when he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold. My surviving this trial is not up to me, itÕs up to him. I belong to him. IÕm in his care. I shall come forth as gold, having been purified in the fire.

To not know what God is doing often leaves us not appreciating what he is doing, but when the clouds are gone, and the storm is past, we humbly bow our heads to him who is too good to do wrong and too wise to make a mistake. God has all power. Rejoice in his omnipotence. Yes, God can be trusted, how encouraging to consider his omnipresence (He is with you), his omniscience (He knows all and sees all), and his omnipotence (He shall accomplish all his purpose).


LuciferÕs Fall

Isaiah 14:3-27


There is in this world a great, ever-increasing conflict between wickedness and righteousness, between light and darkness, between good and evil. I see it in my own heart. — ÒThe flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh.Ó And I see this conflict in the world around me. If you study the pages of human history, you can see this great conflict throughout the ages. I am not talking now about physical wars, though wars among men are the results of this great conflict. I am talking about something far more devastating than any war between men and nations. I am talking about a spiritual warfare, the warfare between the God of light and the prince of darkness, between Christ and Satan.

      Sometime after God had created the heavens and the earth, sometime after he had created the angelic hosts in their order, but before he created man upon the earth in his image and after his likeness, the anointed cherub, whom God had made to rule over the earth to serve his elect (Hebrews 1:14), rebelled against God, and the warfare began. SatanÕs fall is spoken of by GodÕs prophet Isaiah and again in the 28th chapter of EzekielÕs prophecy (Ezekiel 28:11-19). Like Ezekiel, GodÕs prophet Isaiah uses the imagery of a mighty king to describe SatanÕs rebellion and fall.


ÒHow art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer!Ó

Isaiah 14:12


Isaiah was inspired of God to give us knowledge of something only God could have revealed to him — LuciferÕs astonishing fall. Though Satan was originally created as Lucifer, the shining one, the anointed cherub over the earth, when sin was found in him, he was cast out of heaven. This verse speaks of SatanÕs final defeat; but his defeat is accomplished by God our Savior in five stages.

1.    The Devil was cast out of heaven (Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:7-9).

2.    The prince of this world was bound by our Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary (John 12:32; Revelation 20:1-3).

3.    Satan is cast out of GodÕs elect, his power is broken, his captives are set free, his prisoners escape, the chains of bondage that hold his slaves are broken in the new birth (Matthew 12:28-29; Mark 3:27; Luke 11:20-22).

4.    In the believerÕs experience of grace, as we experience forgiveness and cleansing from our many sins, when Satan raises Moses up to condemn us, our mighty Advocate, the Angel of God, prevails over him and silences him (1 John 2:1-2; Jude 9; Zechariah 3:1-5).

5.    Satan shall be cast into the lake of fire at the last day (Revelation 20:10).

      He who weakened the nations shall be at last brought into utter desolation. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed, is prevailing, and shall forever prevail over our adversary, the Devil. — ÒAnd the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortlyÓ (Romans 16:20).





The Grace Bulletin


August 12, 2018


Grace Baptist Church of Danville

2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438

Telephone (859) 576-3400 — E-Mail


Donald S. Fortner, Pastor


Schedule of Regular Services



10:00 A.M. Bible Classes

10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service

6:30   P.M. Evening Worship Service



7:30 P.M. Mid-Week Worship Service


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Don Fortner








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