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Physical sickness is an instrument by which God makes his saints more healthy. By weakness he makes us strong. By need he teaches us to pray. By great sorrow he opens the door for great comfort.
Daily Readings for the Week of August 5-12, 2018 Sunday Jeremiah 18-21 Thursday Jeremiah 31-32 Monday Jeremiah 22-24 Friday Jeremiah 33-35 Tuesday Jeremiah 25-27 Saturday Jeremiah 36-38 Wednesday Jeremiah 28-30 Sunday Jeremiah 39-41
á Conference Offering Today á We will have lunch together after our worship service this morning. — There will be no service here tonight. á I am scheduled to preach for Covenant of Grace Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro, NC, where Bro. Linwood Campbell is pastor, Monday through Wednesday. — There will be no service here Tuesday night.
Happy Birthday! Anne Kendziora-11th Ben Peterson-11th Happy Anniversary: Lindsay & Diane Campbell-8th Rick & ShanteÕ Birchum-10th Jerry & Marilyn Sadler-10th Mark & Donna-Daniel-11th Nursery Duty Today: Celeste Peterson
See, My Soul, Salvation Flowing — Don Fortner (Tune: #145 — Hail! Thou Once Despised Jesus! — 87.87.87)
Pardon, peace, and life bestowing, in abundance from above. Guilty sinners, guilty sinners, here His promisÕd mercies prove.
And His love could not be shaken, when He sufferÕd in our place! He is faithful, He is faithful to the objects of His grace.
Lives to hear poor sinners crying for the grace He freely gives! His atonement, His atonement every ransomed soul revives!
Leaving neither spot nor wrinkle; making wretched sinners whole! Jesus sufferÕd, Jesus sufferÕd; and His suffÕrings make us whole!
Ever living, interceding, waiting to receive His own. All He ransomed, All He ransomed, shall be jewels in his crown!
Through the ages multitudes, both religious and profane, have brought forth countless arguments to fritter away the fact of the everlasting damnation of unbelieving rebels in hell; but the fact stands as it is plainly revealed in Holy Scripture. — ÒThe wicked shall be turned into hell.Ó
A Tribute to a Faithful Man Bobbie Estes 1936-2018
Bobbie Estes is a beloved and cherished friend and brother in the sweet fellowship of our Lord Jesus Christ. I had the privilege of serving our God and Savior with him as his pastor for thirty-two years. In all those years, the one word that best characterizes his remarkable pilgrimage through this world, in my opinion (and in the opinion expressed to me by numerous others), is Òfaithful.Ó Bobbie was a faithful man. I never knew him to miss a worship service, if he was physically able to attend.
But that does not begin to describe my friendÕs faithful service to our Redeemer and his people. Though he never knew that I knew it, Bobbie very generously supported the cause of Christ, giving generously to the needs of missionaries, pastors, and churches around the world.
Bobbie Estes loved the gospel of GodÕs free and sovereign grace and loved those men who faithfully preach it: election and predestination, limited atonement, and irresistible grace, and the sure preservation of believing sinners in Christ by GodÕs almighty grace. It was always a delight to preach to him as he soaked in the gospel like a dry sponge soaks in water.
Shortly after publicly confessing his God given faith in Christ by believerÕs baptism, one day I saw him drive up with mowing equipment. He was not asked and did not offer to undertake the work. He just unloaded his tractor and mower and started mowing. He saw something that needed to be done and did it. — He did it every week for the next thirty years!
After a while, I asked if I could call upon him to read Scripture and pray for us during our worship services. He was reluctant, but agreed to do so. After a few months, he said to me, ÒBro. Fortner, before the Lord saved me, when I went to church at that other place, when they asked me to pray, I never gave it a thought. It didnÕt bother me one bit. But here things are different. When I try to read or pray here, I am scared to death.Ó He took the worship of God seriously.
It is a very rare thing for me to comment on the public prayers offered by any man. But when Bobbie led us in prayer, from his infancy in Christ, until the Lord called him home to Glory last week, I was always struck by the simplicity, honesty, and earnestness of his confession of sin, gratitude to God for his grace, and intercessions for others, particularly for his pastor. Bobbie was not a man given to openly express affection, but he loved his pastor dearly and his pastor knew it.
How thankful I am that the God of all grace made Bobbie Estes a part of my life, a rich, rich part of my life! In thirty-two years he never once spoke in my hearing or to my knowledge an evil word about any of his church family, including his pastor. He never offered an opinion about how things ought to be done in the church or what we should not have done. He just mowed the grass, gave generously, prayed earnestly, and ordered his life around the worship of our God, doing what he could for the glory of God. — What a faithful, faithful man!
Ever-burning Fire upon the Altar Leviticus 6:8-13
ÒThe fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.Ó — The fire burning upon the altar is an instructive picture of the holy justice of God which must be satisfied. Here the Holy One of Israel speaks again from the holy place, revealing the horror of his wrath against sin and the perfection of his infinite justice which demands its punishment. GodÕs infinite justice, burning against sin is displayed in the fire burning upon the altar of the tabernacle.
Never Extinguished God requires that the fire never be extinguished because Òevery one of his righteous judgments endure foreverÓ (Psalm 119:160). The fire burned all through the night as an emblem of the sleeplessness of hell and the burning wrath of God against all iniquity and of the ever-watchful eye of divine righteousness that watches over the earth. In the pit of the damned they have no rest, no respite, no relief from the wrath of God. And the holy eyes of the holy Lord God ever behold the sons of men upon the earth. He whose eyes are a flaming fire constantly watches over his creation, beholding the sons of men. In the Book of God, we read of the damned that the smoke of their torments ascends forever. The fire and brimstone of hell produces a smoke ever rising to God, the holy angels, the redeemed in Glory, and the Lamb upon his throne (Revelation 14:10-11, 18).
One Way All through the night the fire burned upon the altar. It could be seen by all the camp of Israel. The wise, believing father might well have taken his children to their tentÕs door before going to bed and, pointing to the fire, he may well have said, ÒChildren, do you see that fire? Do you smell that smoke? Except you find refuge in the Lamb of God, so shall the fire of GodÕs wrath consume you forever.Ó Blessed be God, that fire represented something far greater than GodÕs holy and just wrath. It represented the way of escape. Can you see the victim burned upon the altar, the lamb consumed by the fire, whose life feeds the flames? That is Christ dying under the horrid wrath of God in the place of sinners who deserve to die. His suffering and death, upon which the triune God had his holy eye from eternity, was held forth in the camp of Israel perpetually in the fire burning upon the altar. There the love and justice of God met together in perfect unison. Righteousness and peace perpetually kissed each other. Mercy and truth embraced each other. Beholding the fire on the altar, the believing Israelite could sleep peacefully through the night knowing that God in Christ is both a just God and a Savior! The Lamb of God is the Sacrifice which, when consumed by the fire of GodÕs holy wrath, consumed the fire! Now, the Lord God says to every sinner who trusts his Son, ÒFury is not in meÓ (Isaiah 27:4; Romans 8:1-4).
The Grace Bulletin
August 5, 2018
Grace Baptist Church of Danville 2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438 Telephone (859) 576-3400 — E-Mail
Donald S. Fortner, Pastor
Schedule of Regular Services
Sunday 10:00 A.M. Bible Classes 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service
Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Mid-Week Worship Service
Web Pages
Don Fortner
Pastor FortnerÕs