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Grace Baptist Church of Danville

June 3, 2018

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How blessed the Church of God would be if those who fill her pulpits were determined to preach and teach nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified.


Daily Readings for the Week of June 3-10, 2018

Sunday                Esther 9-Job 2                                 Thursday       Job 16-21

      Monday                Job 3-7                                                          Friday             Job 22-27

      Tuesday              Job 8-11                                                        Saturday                    Job 28-31

      Wednesday        Job 12-15                                          Sunday                      Job 32-36


á      Lantana Road Grace Church in Crossville, Tennessee will host it annual Sovereign Grace Bible Conference June 15-17. Scheduled preachers are: Bruce Crabtree, Don Fortner, Todd Nibert, Mike Walker, and Joe Terrell. Bro. Donnie Bell is the host pastor.


Happy Birthday! Nicole Abell-5th  Oscar Bailey-6th 


Nursery Duty Today: ShanteŐ Birchum (AM) — Ruth Wall (PM)


It is ChristŐs Precious Blood Don Fortner

(Tune: #52 — Majestic Sweetness —CM)

1.     Behold, a sacred fountain springs

Up from the throne of God,

And all new covŐnant blessings brings! —

It is ChristŐs precious blood.

2.     This stream is that which sweeps away

My sins (A mighty flood!),

And lets no guilt or blemish stay! —

It is ChristŐs precious blood.

3.     This is the voice that speaks for me

In heavŐnŐs high court, for good,

And from the curse has made me free! —

It is ChristŐs precious blood.

4.     The blood, the blood, atoning blood,

Before the throne of God,

Accepted blood! Effectual blood! —

That is ChristŐs precious blood!


Christ crucified is not simply the most important message of Scripture, the central message of Scripture, the primary message of Scripture, or even the dominant message of Scripture. Christ crucified is the message of Scripture. When the apostle Paul said to the Ephesians, ŇI have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of GodÓ in Acts 20:27, he was saying exactly the same thing as he did in 1 Corinthians 2:2. — ŇI determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.Ó


Putting on Christ

Romans 13:14 - 14:23


At the close of Romans 13 the Spirit of God tells us to Ňput on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereofÓ (Romans 13:14). Specifically, that is an admonition telling us not to mistreat our brethren. In chapter 14 the Apostle was inspired of God to tell us exactly what it means to put on Christ and how we must not make provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts of the flesh. All needless division among men is rooted in and springs from pride and is a direct result of men making provision for the flesh, striving to fulfil the lusts of the flesh. GodŐs people must avoid such needless, unnecessary strife and division by bending to and accommodating one another in all matters of insignificance. In Romans 14 the apostle Paul was inspired by God the Holy Ghost to tell us that putting on Christ and making not provision for the flesh involves five things.

      1stGodŐs elect are all equally dear to him and should be equally dear to us (vv. 1-3). — To put on Christ is to receive and embrace GodŐs people as God receives and embraces them. All the redeemed, whether weak or strong, are equally loved of God and equally accepted in the Beloved. All are equally dear to Christ. All should be equally loved and accepted by us. All should be equally dear to us (Philippians 2:1-4).

      2ndIf we are truly one with Christ and one in Christ, then none of us live unto ourselves (vv. 4-8). — To put on Christ is to live with, serve, and treat one another as the LordŐs own people. All believers belong to God our Savior. We live in eternal and everlasting union with him!

      3rdChrist the Lord is Lord of all (vv. 9-16). — To put on Christ is to bow to and recognize Christ alone as Lord of all his own. We have no right to try to rule, judge, or try to judge one anotherŐs lives and/or service of the Lord. Christ is Lord of all his people. What arrogance, what pride, what presumption we display when we set ourselves up judges of the LordŐs blood bought people!

      4thThe kingdom of God is altogether spiritual (vv. 17-21). — To put on Christ is to live and walk before God and with one another in righteousness peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. How silly, how ungodly it is for GodŐs people in this world to offend one another, fuss, fight, and divide over things that donŐt matter! We should be concerned that each know and possess the righteousness of God, the peace of the Holy Ghost, and the joy of faith. Living upon the righteousness of Christ, living with one another in peace, living and serving God together in joy, that is what it is to put on Christ!

      5thThe secret of all true religion is faith, faith in Christ. — Everything done, all religious activity, all religious service, all religious sacrifice, all religious duty without faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is nothing but sin, nothing but making provision for the flesh (vv. 22-23). — To put on Christ is to live by faith in Christ. To put on Christ is to believe on the Son of God. Everything else, call it what you will, is just sin, just a show of wisdom in will-worship to the gratifying of the flesh!



Identifying GodŐs Elect

Romans 14:1-23


In these verses of Inspiration, God the Holy Spirit identifies GodŐs elect by seven distinct things. They are not identified as Baptists, Methodists, or Presbyterians, Catholics, Campbellites, or Mormons, Buddhists, Jews, or Mohammedans. How does God identify his people?


1.    ŇGod hath received them!Ó — GodŐs elect are a people who have been received of God (vv. 1-3). We read in Ephesians 1 that we are a people eternally accepted of God in Christ. But this is something else. This word ŇreceivedÓ means Ňtaken to oneself.Ó The God of Glory has taken us to himself! God has taken us as we are as his own. You are the apple of his eye. You are one of GodŐs anointed ones. And that is how we are to treat one another.


2.    ŇHe shall be holden up!Ó — GodŐs elect are a people divinely preserved in life and faith by GodŐs omnipotent grace (v. 4). Held up by God, his elect, whether weak or strong, whether a newborn babe in Christ or an aged believer, whether learned or unlearned, shall be held up by God, for God is able to make him stand (Philippians 1:6).


3.    GodŐs elect are a people who do what they do for the glory of God. They live for God (vv. 5-9). Both the weak and the strong, both the newborn babe and the aged saint, as they are taught of God and enabled of God, walking in the light they have, live for God.


4.    They all live in the prospect of eternity (vv. 10-13). GodŐs people have their eye on eternity (2 Corinthians 4:17 - 5:21).


5.    Believers, saved sinners, GodŐs elect in this world, people who know God and live for God are people who seek to live peaceably with one another (vv. 14-17). They seek to avoid hurting or injuring each other. They try to avoid strife and conflict. ThatŐs what godly Abraham and righteous Lot did. And thatŐs what all GodŐs saints do. They try to help, not hurt. They live in righteousness, promote peace, and bring joy to GodŐs people!


6.    They are acceptable to God and approved of men (vv. 18-21). Believers are people who serve God in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. We are a people whose lives are acceptable to God by, in, with, and for Christ Jesus. — ŇAccepted in the Beloved!Ó And GodŐs saints are Ňapproved of men.Ó Believers approve of and accept one another in Christ. They approve of and accept one anotherŐs service to Christ.


7.    All of this can be summed up in this seventh mark of identification by which Gods elect are distinguished from all other people. — GodŐs elect are people who live by faith (vv. 22-23). — ŇIt is written, The just shall live by faith!Ó We begin our pilgrimage by faith. — Looking to Christ! We walk day by day by faith, looking to God our Savior for all things. — Looking to Christ! We are ruled and motivated, governed and inspired by faith. — Looking to Christ! And we shall soon die in faith. — Looking to Christ!




The Grace Bulletin


June 3, 2018


Grace Baptist Church of Danville

2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438

Telephone (859) 576-3400 — E-Mail


Donald S. Fortner, Pastor


Schedule of Regular Services



10:00 A.M. Bible Classes

10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service

6:30   P.M. Evening Worship Service



7:30 P.M. Mid-Week Worship Service


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Don Fortner








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