Listen to sermons at
Grace Baptist Church of Danville April 22, 2018 All Services Live Streamed At
The new birth is not a change of life, but the gift of life. It is not an improvement made upon the old man, but the gift of a new man Òcreated in righteousness and true holiness.Ó It is not the reformation of our fallen nature but being made Òpartakers of the divine nature.Ó
Daily Readings for the Week of April 22-29, 2018 Sunday 2 Kings 2-4 Thursday 2 Kings 13-14 Monday 2 Kings 5-7 Friday 2 Kings 15-17 Tuesday 2 Kings 8-9 Saturday 2 Kings 18-19 Wednesday 2 Kings 10-12 Sunday 2 Kings 20-22
á The Lord willing, we will have our Quarterly Fellowship next Sunday.
Nursery Duty This Week Nicole Abell (AM) — Debbie Bartley (PM) Tuesday: Celeste Peterson
The Gospel Trumpet Sounds Good Cheer — Don Fortner (Tune: #355 — From Every Stormy Wind that Blows —LM)
1. The gospel trumpet sounds good cheer To sinners torn with guilt and fear. — Christ, on the great atoning day, Took all my guilt and sin away.
2. I know that this redemptionÕs mine Because IÕm blest with life divine; And by the witness of the blood I know that IÕve been born of God!
3. EmmanuelÕs blood my sins have drowned And with my Lord I shall be crowned, To sing through everlasting day, My Savior took my sins away!
4. Trusting Christ Jesus crucified, The Spirit has His blood applied. HeÕs sealed my pardon, quelled my fear, And floods my soul with hope and cheer.
ÒThe unfolding of the gospel and the centrality of Christ in that gospel are part and parcel of the whole Bible, from the beginning in Genesis unto the consummation of the Ages as revealed in The Revelation. To try and decipher the truth as it is set forth in the Scriptures, without an emphasis upon that subject, is to strive Òabout words to no profit,Ó subverting the hearers, thereby. Much learning does indeed make religious men ÔmadÕ as they center their thoughts upon the works and ways of men, attempting to encourage and enable men to keep the law and perform righteous deeds of one type or another, or proposing that they shall gain favor with the Lord by actions of their supposed free will, producing partial obedience at best.Ó — Pastor Mike McInnis
ÒChrist is AllÓ In the Salvation of His People Colossians 3:11
ÒChrist is allÓ in the salvation of our souls. Let no one misunderstand me. I hold to and rejoice in the works of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, as well as the works of God the Son in this matter of salvation. We are Trinitarians. We boldly declare eternal election and predestination as sovereign works of God the Father. He chose us. He predestinated all things needful for our everlasting salvation. We insist upon the necessity of regeneration and sanctification by God the Holy Spirit. No one will ever enter into heaven without the FatherÕs election and the SpiritÕs sanctification. There is perfect harmony in the blessed Trinity. Read the first chapter of Ephesians one more time. In the first fourteen verses of that chapter Paul tells us that our everlasting salvation was planned and purposed by God the Father (vv. 1-6), purchased by God the Son (vv. 7-12), and performed in us by God the Holy Ghost (vv. 13-14). Salvation is the work of the triune Godhead Òto the praise of the glory of his grace!Ó
Christ Preeminent Yet, it is the purpose of the triune God to glorify the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Mediator and Substitute, the Second Person of the blessed Trinity, in the redemption and salvation of his people. It is the purpose of God that Christ be preeminent and glorious in the redemption and salvation of his people (1 Corinthians 1:30-31). In the matter of salvation, ÒChrist is all!Ó That is a blessed fact of divine revelation. It cannot be insisted upon too emphatically or too often. It is a fact that must be known. It is essential to the gospel, essential to the souls of men, essential to salvation, and essential to the revelation of the glory of God.
Wisdom ÒThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdomÓ (Psalms 111:10); and Christ is all as our Wisdom. If you would be wise unto salvation, you must know Christ. He was our wise Counselor and Advocate in the covenant of grace before the world was made (Proverbs 8:12-31). He is our wise Prophet who alone reveals God to us and in us (John 1:18). He is our wise Intercessor at the right hand of the Father (1 John 2:1-2). And he makes his people as wise as serpents and harmless as doves, directing us in the paths of faith and righteousness according to the will of God.
Righteousness Christ is all as our Righteousness. In the matter of righteousness, we are totally bankrupt. We have no righteousness of our own, and no ability to produce any. We are sinners. We cannot do anything good in the sight of God. Even our righteousnesses are filthy rags in his eyes (Isaiah 64:6). Yet, in order for us to be saved, we must be made perfectly righteous (Matthew 5:20; Psalms 24:3-4). By his life of obedience to God as a man, the Lord Jesus Christ established and brought in everlasting righteousness.
By his death at Calvary, he satisfied the justice of God for the sins of his people which were made his and imputed to him. Just as our sins were made his and imputed to him, just as he was made sin for us, every believing sinner is Òmade the righteousness of God in himÓ (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Sanctification Christ is all as our Sanctification, too. All who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ were set apart in him from eternity by GodÕs electing love (Jude 1), set apart unto God by legal purchase through the redemptive work of Christ (Hebrews 10:10, 14), and shall be set apart and distinguished from the rest of the human race by God the Holy Spirit in regeneration and conversion. In the new birth the Holy Spirit puts within us the very nature of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Peter 1:4; 1 John 3:9). He imparts to every chosen, redeemed sinner the very righteousness of Christ, making us Òmeet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.Ó
Redemption Christ is all as our Redemption. He redeemed his people from the penalty of sin by blood atonement when he died as our Substitute, paying our debt to the infinite justice of God for us (Galatians 3:13). He redeems his elect from the dominion of sin by the almighty, irresistible power of his grace in the new birth, sending his Spirit to regenerate his ransomed ones (Romans 6:22). And he shall redeem all who trust him from the very being and all the evil consequences of sin in the resurrection at the last day (Hebrews 9:28). All that our souls need the Lord Jesus Christ is. All that God requires from us is in Christ. The Lord God accepts sinners as his sons by the merit of Christ his Son. Believe on Christ alone as your only, all-sufficient Savior; and all that he is and has you are and have in him. God help you now to trust his dear Son.
ÒAll ThingsÓ Pastor Gene Harmon
If God, by his Divine Power, has given us Òall things that pertain unto life and godlinessÓ (2 Peter 1:3), can there be anything lacking? And, if God is the One who has given us all things, is there any room for boasting on our part? In addition, if Òall things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purposeÓ (Romans 8:28), could there be anything that is not under GodÕs sovereign control? Moreover, if God has highly exalted his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and has Ògiven all things into his handÓ (John 3:35) and has put Òall things under his feetÓ (Ephesians 1:22), it is Jesus Christ himself who is the Sovereign Ruler over this whole universe and everything in it. It is Jesus Christ, the God-man, Who upholds Òall things by the word of his powerÓ (Hebrews 1:3). Knowing this, knowing that Jesus Christ is Lord of all, knowing that nothing happens apart from his permissive will, knowing that Jesus Christ our Savior is working all things for our good and for his glory, shouldnÕt we, as his blood-bought children, ÒDo all things without murmurings and disputingsÓ (Philippians 2:14)?
The Grace Bulletin
April 22, 2018
Grace Baptist Church of Danville 2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438 Telephone (859) 576-3400 — E-Mail
Donald S. Fortner, Pastor
Schedule of Regular Services
Sunday 10:00 A.M. Bible Classes 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service
Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Mid-Week Worship Service
Web Pages
Don Fortner
Pastor FortnerÕs