why do God’s people suffer?

by Pastor Don Fortner


            When sorrow comes to us, rather than asking, “Why do God’s people suffer?”, we should be asking, “Why shouldn’t we suffer?” After all, we are sinners, like all other people. Our Lord Jesus suffered, as no man ever suffered, in order to redeem and save us. If he who knew no sin was in this world a “man of sorrows,” why shouldn’t we have sorrows to endure? Yet, it is not altogether wrong for us to ask, “Why?”, when sorrows come to us, as long as our questions arise from submissive, believing hearts.


            When believers suffer, it is because IT IS THE WILL OF GOD, our heavenly Father. Satan could not touch Job, but by the will of God. And sorrow does not come to your house or mine, in any form, but by the will of God. It is written, “All things are of God.” Nothing happens by “chance” in a world controlled by God (Rom. 11:36).


            Sorrow is intended TO WEAN US OF THIS WORLD. God says to his saints, “Give me thine heart.” And he graciously sees to it that we give him our hearts. He will never allow his own to be completely content with life in this world.


            God visits his saints with affliction TO CORRECT US FOR SIN AND CAUSE US TO CALL UPON HIM. Read Psalm 103 and learn the mystery of providence. Blessed is that sorrow which turns our hearts to Christ in firmer faith, greater gratitude, and more loyal love.



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