We Sorrow, But Not As Those Who Have No Hope.

When believers die, those of us who are left behind sorrow and weep. Our hearts break because our friends and loved ones have moved to a far away country. We know that we may not see them for a long, long time. We miss their sweet fellowship, their warm smiles, their blessed influence, and their companionship in our pilgrimage. But ours is not a hopeless sorrow. Our sorrow is mitigated by and mixed with joy. We know that they are now free from all the burdens, cares, and sorrows of sin and of this sin-cursed earth. We know that, at God’s appointed time, we will be united again in indescribably sweeter, purer fellowship with our departed friends around God’s throne. We know, also, that in the resurrection, we will with them and they with us, inherit the glory and bliss of eternal life with Christ. For others, we sorrow without hope; but for God’s elect our sorrow is engulfed with joy, because of the sure and blessed hope that is ours in Christ.

Don Fortner