What is worldliness? Modern religionists say that it is worldly to dress according to the fashion of the times, to wear your hair in a given way, to wear a beard, or to drink a glass of wine. Yet, our Lord dressed according to the fashion of the common man in his day. He wore a seamless robe and sandals, like all other men. Our Savior wore his hair much longer than modern styles, and he wore a beard, according to the custom of his day. Jesus of Nazareth drank wine with his disciples, and turned water into wine at the marriage feast of Cana. Was the Son of God worldly? Perish the thought!

                Men look upon the outward appearance. They place great stock in a man's outward dress and conduct. By these things they determine who are and who are not worldly, who are and who are not the people of God. But God takes no stock in such things. Our Lord made it plain. It is not what a man wears, eats, or drinks that determines his relationship with God. Rather, it is his heart attitude.

                What is worldliness? It is the love of the world. Dear friends, be sure that you do not love the world. "If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." Do not allow your hearts to become fondly attached to this world, neither its people nor its pleasures, neither its fame nor its fortunes, neither its success nor its security. "Love not the world." It is perishing. Everything in it is marked for destruction. But "Set your affection on things above", even Jesus Christ and the riches of his glory and grace.