People attend church regularly for many reasons. Some come out of habit. Others come because of some religious sense of duty. And some come because they fear that God would punish them, or they would lose some reward if they did not come. Such motives are contrary to the spirit of the gospel. WE HAVE COME INTO THIS HOUSE FOR ONE PURPOSE - TO WORSHIP THE LORD OUR GOD. We want to hear a word from him. We have come seeking him. We want to sing praise to him. We want to speak to him. We want to fellowship with him. O Lord, purge our hearts of every other thought, care, and motive. May we this hour forget ourselves, forget our families, forget our cares, forget our nation, forget the world, and worship you! If we can but worship the Lord our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then we will be satisfied. If we fail to worship him, our gathering is vain.