God has ordained the office of deacon in the church for one specific and glorious purpose: Deacons are to relieve God's servants of all secular, worldly concern, so that those men who are sent of God to preach the gospel may give themselves entirely to the work of the gospel ministry - (Acts 6:1-7; I Tim. 4: 12-16; II Tim. 2:4; 4:1-5). Inasmuch as it is possible for them to do so, deacons should see to it that their pastor has no need to concern himself with mundane affairs. Every deacon should make it his business to see to it that his pastor's every earthly need is met, so that his pastor may study, pray, and preach, being entirely free of worldly concern. Every deacon should see to it that the church property is regularly maintained. No pastor should ever have to be concerned with anything of this nature, from the changing of a light bulb to the repair of the roof. Every deacon should see to it that the funds needful to carry on the church's ministry are readily supplied, so that the pastor never feels pressure to raise money, or to curtail the ministry of the church. Such deacons earn and deserve the highest possible respect among God's people - (I Tim. 3:13).