No man in all the world is under so great a responsibility as that man who preaches the gospel. But, next to that, I can think of nothing of greater importance than hearing the gospel. Preachers abound everywhere. One cries up this doctrine and another that. Shall we listen to just anyone who claims to be sent of God, quotes from the Bible, talks piously, and gathers a religious following? No! John sounds out a sober word of warning - "Beloved, believe not every spirit."

False prophets and antichrists abound. We must, try every man's ministry by "Thus saith the Lord". The Apostle gives us an acid test by which to determine whether or not a man is of God -What does he believe and preach about Christ? Those who are sent of God confess that Jesus is the Christ - That he, being the eternal Son of God, came in human flesh - That he came with a work to do - And that he has gloriously accomplished the purpose and will of God in the salvation of his people - These men alone we must hear!