If ever a sinner is brought to faith in Christ, saved and converted by the power of God, his heart and will must be broken. But how can this be accomplished? We declare the holy law of God, and it causes men to tremble. We warn men of the inflexibly just wrath of God and the certainty of eternal damnation, and it fills them with fear. Yet, preach these things as we may, and must, they will never break the sinner's will. But, if ever a man who knows himself to be a sinner beholds the Lord Jesus Christ dying as his Substitute at Calvary and is convinced of God's infinite love in that Great Sacrifice, his heart will melt, his will be broken. John Newton described this blessed work of grace in a hymn of praise-


Lord, Thou hast won, at length I yield;

My heart, by mighty grace compelled,

Surrenders all to Thee;

Against Thy terrors long I strove,

But who can stand against Thy love?

Love conquers even me.


If Thou hadst bid Thy thunders roll,

And lightenings flash, to blast my soul,

I still had stubborn been:

But mercy has my heart subdued,

A bleeding Savior I have viewed,

And now I hate my sin.