I know that man by nature is both depraved and impotent. That is to say, that he is a guilty, condemned felon, whose heart is wicked; and that he is totally incapable of delivering himself out from under the curse of the law and the bondage of sin. And I know that salvation is all of grace. If you are saved, it will be the result of God's grace in Christ, and that alone. If ever you come to trust Christ for salvation and life, your faith will be a gift of the operation of God. But there are some things you can do.

  1. You can go to hear a man preach the gospel.
  2. You can read the Word of God.
  3. You can seek the Lord.
  4. You can call out for mercy.

It may be that you will perish. But if mercy may be had, will you be so foolish as to perish without seeking mercy? If King Jesus has the power in his hands to give eternal life to poor sinners, will you perish because of a proud heart that would not bow before his throne and sue for mercy? Resolve now that if you go to hell, you will perish only at mercy's door!

I can but perish if I go;

I am resolved to try;

For if I stay away, I know

I must forever die.


But if I die with mercy sought,

When I the King have tried,

This were to die (delightful thought!)

As sinner never died.