Works of righteousness have nothing to do with religious separatism and isolation (Rom. 14:17). Rather they are things done for the benefit of men and the glory of God. They are works of love, charity, kindness, and thoughtfulness arising from a willing heart. They are works of self-denying generosity. They are works of devotion to God. Recently on a rainy Tuesday night, while I was still visiting with folks after the service, one of our men spotted a flat tire on my car. When I came out, he had changed the tire for me in the rain. That night I had been preaching on this very subject; and one of our ladies, who saw what had happened, said, "That's a work of righteousness." I am glad to know she understood the sermon. Changing a dirty, flat tire on a rainy night to save a friend the trouble can be a work of righteousness! Let us each do what we can for the people of God and the glory of Christ (Mark 14:8).