God is no respecter of persons, and we must not be. God has no regard for those things that distinguish men from one another, and we should also have no regard for those things. Yet, I see it happening all the time. Some wealthy man visits the congregation, so we give him a lot of special attention. We might even have him come up and say a few words. Perhaps a place could be found in the bulletin to recognize him.

                Is this not courting men? I know, someone will say,  "We just want these people to feel welcome. We just want to show our appreciation for all they have done." Why, then, do we not give the poor widow the same attention, who hardly has two dimes to rub together, and yet serves God with what she has. Arminians and religious con-men build their churches and carry their ministries upon flattery and manipulation of men with wealth and influence. Let us not be guilty of such wicked craftiness. If we are God's people, doing God's work, preaching the gospel of God's grace, God will provide for our needs and add to his church as he sees fit. God's churches and those who preach the gospel of his grace do not need to beg and grovel; and they never will.