Several of you have said to me recently, "I wish I had something in print to give to people, that states clearly what we believe." I cannot, in such a brief article as this, state all that we believe; but essentially these five blessed truths of the gospel are the things that distinguish us from all other churches in this area. I hope it will be helpful for you to have these things in printed form. If so, feel free to make as many copies as you wish, and use them. We believe and preach the doctrines of the grace of God in Christ.

TOTAL DEPRAVITY - We believe that all men since the fall of Adam are both guilty and helpless as sinners. All men are born with a sinful nature. All men are guilty of sin. All men are spiritually dead in sin. All men are helplessly lost by nature (Rom. 3:9-19; 5:12; Eph. 2:1-3).

UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION - God sovereignly chose the people whom he would save before the world began, not because of anything good which he foresaw in them, but simply according to his own good pleasure (John 15:16; Rom. 9:11-13; Eph. 1:3-4; II Thess. 2:13; II Tim. 1:9).

LIMITED ATONEMENT - We believe, according to the Scriptures that the Lord Jesus Christ died for and redeemed only his own elect, those who are actually saved by his grace. He did not die in vain, for those who perish under the justice of God; but he actually accomplished the redemption of his people. The benefits of Christ's atonement are limited to the elect of God, according to God's own purpose. Christ died for a particular people and effectually satisfied the justice of God for those people, guaranteeing their eternal salvation (Isa. 53:8; John 10:11; Heb. 9:12).

IRRESISTIBLE GRACE - God the Holy Spirit regenerates those sinners who were chosen by God and redeemed by Christ, and calls them to Christ, creating faith in their hearts by irresistible grace and power. All who are called by the Holy Spirit do come to Christ in faith (Ps. 65:4; 110:3; John 6:37-40; Rom. 9:16).

PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS - All true believers shall continue in the faith, persevere in grace, and inherit eternal glory, being preserved by the power and grace of God in Christ. Not one chosen, redeemed, regenerate sinner shall perish. Grace cannot allow it! (John 10:28-29; Rom. 8:29-39; Phil. 1:6; I Pet. 1:3-5).

These blessed truths of the gospel we believe and preach to the glory of God and for the salvation of sinners through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.