The Purpose Of Public Worship

Today people are gathered in public assemblies all across the country, and they have been doing so for many years. But what is the purpose of our public gathering as a church? One obvious answer to that question is that God has commanded it. We must not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. But that is only a very minor reason for God's true children as they gather together. It is true that we love the fellowship of the saints; and that we need that fellowship for our own spiritual growth. But this is not our primary purpose in gathering.

When we come together as an assembly in public, It is that we may celebrate the praise of our covenant God. In our singing, our praying, our preaching, and our hearing, we desire to praise our triune God for his glory and grace. For another thing, we come seeking a message from God, Our hearts long to hear God speaking to us through his Word, We want a message from him to comfort and challenge, assure and search, wound and heal. And we come to be instructed by God. Beloved, we need to be constantly taught of God. We need to be taught of our weakness and sin, and of his strength and forgiveness. May God this day teach us of his covenant grace, redeeming love, sanctifying presence, and saving fulness.


"Brethren, we have met to worship,

And adore the Lord our God."


Don Fortner