"That's Dangerous Doctrine!"



How often I have heard those words from preachers who are trying to excuse their compromise of the gospel and persuade others to be less dogmatic in their assertions of gospel truth. When we preach the believer's absolute security in Christ (John 10:28), the Arminian cries, "That's dangerous doctrine!" If we assert God's sovereign election (Eph. 1:4), the free-willer cries, "That's dangerous doctrine!" As soon as we affirm the believer's freedom from the law (Rom. 6:14), the legalist cries, "That's dangerous doctrine!" When we declare the eternal justification of God's elect in Christ (Rom. 8:30), the works monger cries, "That's dangerous doctrine!" Understand this: no truth of God is dangerous! All truth is blessed, delightful, and encouraging to the faith and holiness of God's elect. In twenty-one years of pastoring I have heard many excuses for the ungodly acts of men. But I have never heard even one believer attempt to justify any evil thing by the doctrine of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ! Those who suggests that free grace is dangerous, or will promote licentiousness, simply know nothing of the grace of God.



Don Fortner