The Word of God plainly teaches the doctrine of man's total depravity (Ps. 14:2-3; Mt. 15:19-20; Rom. 3:10-23; 5:12; Eph. 2:1-3). When we declare the doctrine of total depravity, we are not saying that the actions of men are as vile and evil as they could be. Men do many good humanitarian works and noble deeds that are commendable in the eyes of men. We do not say that man has no freedom of will or choice. Men do precisely what they want to do, be it good or evil, in so far as they have the power to do what they will. And we certainly do not say that man, because he is sinful by nature, is not responsible for his actions.

                In declaring the doctrine of total depravity, we declare precisely what the Scriptures teach concerning the nature of man. Since the sin and fall of our father Adam, all men are spiritually dead, guilty, and condemned. Man is born with a decided bias toward evil. His heart is motivated and governed by the evil principles of pride, envy, and selfishness. His will, like his heart, is so corrupt that he is without the power and ability, either to save himself or to come to Christ by faith in order to be saved, apart from the irresistible grace of God (John 5:40; 6:44). Man by nature, since the fall, is so far off from God that he cannot and will not return of his own accord. His only hope of salvation is if God will do for him what he cannot do for himself - give him life and faith in Christ by his sovereign grace,