God has ordained that every wife be subject to her husband, and that a man should be the head of his house. And he has given women such a nature that they need for things to be kept in that order. God said to the woman, "Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." Another way of expressing those words would be, "You shall need a man to rule over you." Here are three things every woman needs and wants in her husband and these are things God requires of men.

1.          Every woman wants a man of FIRMNESS. Every woman wants a man, a real MAN. She needs a man who will be firm, a man whom she can hold in reverence.

2.             Every woman wants a man of DEFENDABILITY. Your wife needs to be able to depend upon you. She needs a man upon whom she can confidently rely to provide for her, to protect her, and to care for her.

3.             And every woman needs a man of TENDERNESS. She needs compassion, comfort, and warmth. Love, thoughtfulness, and tenderness are not at all contrary to manliness. These things are a part of true manliness.