Living as a man in this world, there are many things by which I am tempted, either to do some evil thing, or to compromise the gospel, or to neglect some matter of spiritual responsibility. Some of those things which tempt me are evil in themselves; and some of them are not. The cares of this world are not evil in themselves. But any which entangle my soul become evil to me. But when my soul is tempted in these areas the faith of the gospel has taught me that there is something more important than these things. This fact has often helped me. Maybe it will help you to remember it. There is something more important than this world - MY SOUL. There is something more important than my pleasures - THE SOULS OF MEN. There is something more important than my will - GOD'S WILL. There is something more important than my desires - THE GLORY OF GOD. There is something more important than my family - THE FAMILY OF GOD.  There is something more important than time – ETERNITY.


If we can, by the grace of God, learn to look upon all things in the light of their true importance and value, I believe we will be better servants of the Lord our God.