I have struggled in earnest sincerity, for many years, about this matter of getting sinners to close with Christ. We don’t want to deceive men. Nor do we merely desire to build up our church membership. But we do earnestly desire to see men come to Christ in saving faith.

                The idea of an altar call we deplore. This modern practice appears to me to be a swift return to Romanism, priestcraft, and idolatry. We recognize no altar but Christ. Coming to Christ is not a physical act. It is a spiritual act of faith. In the gospel the sinner and the Savior are to come together, with no priest, no preacher, and no altar between. We must not leave men with the impression that Christ is to be had at the front of the auditorium, or by walking an aisle.

                Yet, I fear that too often, we who believe the gospel do not directly address sinners, for fear of getting a false profession. This is as grave an error as the practice of giving an altar call. It is our task in preaching the gospel to lay the burden of sin and guilt at the sinner’s door, warning him of his perilous condition, and to urging him to flee to Christ for mercy.

                You, sinner, sitting  right where you are, may have eternal life, if you will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. God Almighty invites you to believe. Christ invites you to believe. And I, as an ambassador of the King of Heaven, “pray you in Christ’s stead, be you reconciled to God!” Do not wait to go to an altar, or to the front of the church. It is not even essential for you to talk to a preacher. We do not have the keys of the kingdom of heaven. If I could talk to you for a thousand years, I could never tell you anything better than this – “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life!”

                Do you believe on Christ? Then come today and confess him before men. Do not come down an aisle to get Christ and salvation. You must get him by faith. But, if the Lord has done something for you through the gospel, do come and let us rejoice with you. Believe in your heart, then confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Then show your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by following him in baptism. A believing heart is an obedient heart. And Christ commands both that you believe and be baptized.