Imputation is the act of reckoning, or charging to the account of one person that which has been done by another. The Bible reveals three great acts of divine imputation, of God imputing to men the acts of another.

     First, ALL PEOPLE WERE MADE SINNERS BY THE IMPUTATION OF ADAM'S SIN TO US. The first man, Adam, was a representative man. He represented all the human race before God. God made him the representative of us all. And when Adam sinned, in a representative sense, we all sinned in him. His sin has been legally imputed to all people, so that all are sinners by divine imputation (Rom. 5:12, 18, 19).

     Second, ALL THE SINS OF GOD'S ELECT WERE IMPUTED TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AT CALVARY. Jesus Christ never sinned. Yet, he was made to be sin as the Representative and Substitute of his people (II Cor. 5:21). When he was made to be sin, by divine imputa- tion, he was punished for sin and fully satisfied the justice of God for his elect by his death (Gal. 3:13).

     Third, ALL BELIEVERS ARE MADE RIGHTEOUS BY THE IMPUTATION OF CHRIST'S RIGHTEOUSNESS TO THEM (II Cor. 5:21; Rom. 5:19). We are not made righteous by something we do. Sinners cannot do righteousness (Rom. 3:10-12). We are made righteous by having the righteousness of Christ, the Son of God, imputed to us. This is the doctrine of the gospel. If you trust Christ, he was made to be sin for you, died in your stead, and you have been made the righteousness of God in him and shall live forever by his merit.


Donald S. Fortner, Pastor


2734 Old Stanford Road

Danville, Kentucy 40422
