Seasonable Questions

We do not esteem one day above another. We do not observe sabbath days with the legalists. And we do not observe holy days with the papists. But at this season of the year almost all people give some thought to the undeniable historic fact that two thousand years ago God visited this earth in the Person of Jesus Christ. And I am delighted that at least once a year all men are compelled by the provi­dence of God to remember that fact.

WHO IS JESUS CHRIST? Is he a man? Yes, but more than a man. Is he a prophet? Yes, but more than a prophet. Jesus Christ is God in human flesh. He is the Lord of glory incarnate. He is God over all, blessed forever. WHY DID THE LORD JESUS CHRIST COME INTO THIS WORLD? He did not come to establish global peace, put an end to political wars, and stop the spread of hunger, disease, and poverty in the world. He came to save his people from their sins, thereby making peace between God and men. WHAT DID CHRIST DO WHILE HE WAS ON THE EARTH? Our Lord Jesus, the Son of God, lived as a man in perfect obedience to his Father, establishing perfect righteousness for his elect as Representative. Then he voluntarily laid down his life as a sin-atoning sacrifice at Calvary. Dying as the sinner's Substitute, "Christ hath re­deemed us from the curse of the law." After three days in the tomb, our Savior was raised in power and great glory. WHERE IS JESUS CHRIST NOW? Forty days after his resurrection, the Son of God ascended back into heaven and took his seat upon the throne of glory. WHAT IS HE DOING THERE? He is making intercession for transgressors. He is ruling over all things with sovereign power to give eternal life to all his people. He is saving to the uttermost them that come to God by him. He is, like the Good Shepherd, seeking and saving his sheep. WHEN WILL CHRIST COME AGAIN? No man knows the day nor the hour, but of this you can be sure: When the purpose of God has been accomplished and all God's elect have been called, Christ will come again, not in humiliation, but in power and great glory.

Don Fortner