A rebellious son may unwillingly submit to his father's rule, because he has no other alternative. Even so, many who are convinced, as a point of doctrine, that God is sovereign, sullenly submit to his will, simply because they know that God's will is irresistible. But the true born child, the child of faith, is of another mind and spirit. The true believer both acknowledges God's indisputable sovereignty in all things and rejoices in it. In everything he gives thanks and rejoices, knowing that whatever comes to him, good or bad, prosperous or adverse, "is the will of God in Christ Jesus".

                All that our heavenly Father does for us or allows to be done to us is according to his wise and holy will. We know that his will is best for us, best for his people as a whole and best for his own glory in Christ. Therefore we are content with his sovereign will and pleasure. Even if we could, we would not change anything. Our Father knows what is best and does what is best. We willingly, voluntarily submit to his will. The flesh struggles against it; but in our hearts and spirits we rejoice in the will of God in all things. This is the constant prayer and desire of our hearts - "THY WILL BE DONE!"