I know that God sovereignly accomplishes his will, that is his eternal purpose in all things. Nothing comes to pass except that which God purposed in eternity. Yet, I know that nothing is more important, and nothing more difficult, to a believer than seeking the will of God in making responsible choices and       decisions about his actions in life. It is possible for me to make the wrong choice. I have often done so. God, according to his eternal purpose, overrules my errors in judgment for the eternal good of my own soul and the good of his people. I praise him for that! But when I walk contrary to his will, I bring great grief to myself. When I do make such errors concerning the will of God, it is either because I have not earnestly sought his will, or I am rebellious to it. Of this you can be sure: GOD ALWAYS REVEALS HIS WILL TO THE PERSON WHO IS WILLING TO DO IT (Prov. 3:5-6).