Let others preach a salvation of works and grace, if they dare to do so. We cannot endure such notions. If you mix human works with grace you destroy grace (Rom.11:6). If you mix the works of men with the work of Christ, in any degree whatsoever, you make the work of Christ of no effect (Gal. 5:2). If you make righteousness to come by the law, you testify that Christ died in vain (Gal. 2:21). Such blasphemous nonsense we must not tolerate. Either salvation is altogether by man, or it is altogether by God, it is either the result of free-will or free-grace, it is either upon the merits of man or upon the merits of Christ; but it cannot be both. Like oil and water, works and grace will not mix. With the prophets of old I am determined to declare, "Salvation is of the Lord:" In its planning, in its provision, in its application, in its preservation, in its consummation, and in its reward, "The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord" The more men oppose this message, the more boldly we must proclaim it.