The primary issue involved in the controversy over particular and effectual redemption, as opposed to universal and ineffectual redemption, is not - "For whom did Christ die?" Rather it is-"Who is the Redeemer that died?" If Jesus Christ is God, (And he is), then he could not fail in his work. Every soul for whom he suffered and died to redeem was redeemed by him. Universal redemption says that Christ died to redeem every man in the world, but failed to accomplish that end. Such a notion is an attack upon the Person of Christ. Can the Almighty fail? Perish the thought! I see no alternative for those who deny effectual redemption, except for them also to deny the Deity of the Redeemer!         

                With Paul, we testify that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, "Entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us!" Anything less than an accomplished redemption is not worthy of the Son of God. Anything less than particular and effectual redemption robs Christ of the glory of his work, and cannot be tolerated.