

When I take it upon myself to say or write anything on the subject of prayer, I do so with great reluctance, because I fully and shamefully acknowledge that I know so little about the subject. My own prayers are so sinful that they are matters of constant repentance before my God. What hypocrisy there is in my petitions, when there should be utter honesty! What arrogant seeking of my own will, when there should be complete submission to my God’s will! What vain repetitions I make, when there should be nothing but the cries of a broken heart! How little I feel the sins I confess! How little I sense my deep need for the mercies I seek!


I often say my prayers, but do I ever pray?

Or do the wishes of my flesh dictate the words I say?

I might as well kneel down and worship gods of stone,

As offer to the living God a prayer of words alone!


How I long for the “Spirit of grace and supplication” to teach me how to pray as I ought!

Don Fortner