Particular Redemption Is Vital

            The central issue of the gospel is the redeeming work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, this is the place where men who claim to serve his honor are often most willing to compromise. Such compromise is treason against the very glory of God. The Word of God asserts with absolute clarity that our Lord Jesus Christ died for a specific people –God’s elect (Isa. 53:8), and that he effectually accomplished the redemption and secured the eternal salvation of those people (Heb. 9:12). To teach otherwise, to teach that Christ loved, came to save, died for, and intercedes in heaven for all men, those who are lost as well as those who are saved, is something far more grievous than doctrinal error. –It is damning heresy! Such doctrine is as much a denial of our glorious Redeemer’s deity as is that teaching which denies his virgin birth. Not only is universal atonement an absurdity, it is blasphemy!. It is a denial of every attribute of our God. It must not be tolerated.


Don Fortner