There is but one true and living God, the Lord Jehovah. There is but one Mediator between God and man, but one Person by Whom man may approach unto God; the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy and just God cannot and will not receive sinful man except through the blood and righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ. There is but one Divine Agent in this world Who can give eternal life to men who are spiritually dead in sin, the Holy Spirit. And there is but one Word from God in this world, the Bible.

                The eternal, triune God, Father, Son, and Spirit, has spoken. The Bible is God's complete and final Word to men. And this blessed Book is our one and only source of authority. In spiritual matters, the Word of God must end all disputes. In the church of Christ, the Bible is the end of all strife. Our reason, our thoughts, our customs, our feelings, our traditions, our long-held beliefs, all must bow to the Word of God.