No pastor has ever been more blessed of God with a loving and kind church family than I have. I thank the Lord for what he has done for us! Nevertheless, in this day, when there is such disdain for the pastoral office, word needs to be said to encourage others to follow your example of obedience to God's Word in this matter.

                A true pastor is not a domineering lord over God's heritage. But he is God's spokesman and representative before men. He is the ambassador of Christ to you. And he is to be received and treated as such. Because of his position and work, he ought to be highly esteemed for Christ's sake Paul says, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves." If God so highly favors a congregation as to give them a man who will watch over their souls and faithfully declare the gospel to them, they would be wise to hold him in high esteem and honor, obeying him as the undershepherd of Christ. It is true, he is just a man; but he is God's man!