My Three Favorite Subjects


In this world I constantly struggle with my personal sin, the temptations of satan, opposition and slander from my enemies, and the trials of life. Everywhere I go, I meet with men and women who have the same struggles. In the midst of these there are three glorious truths revealed in Holy Scripture that comfort and sustain my soul. I need to remind myself, and be reminded of them constantly. Consequently, I meditate upon these three things and preach upon them more frequently than any others. These are my three favorite subjects. These are the pillars of my faith, the strength of my soul, and the dominate themes of my preaching.

     THE SUBSTITUTIONARY SACRIFICE OF CHRIST (II Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:13). My sin is ever before me. I never cease to be astonished at the enormous depravity of my heart and the sin that erupts from it. Yet, in my deep sorrow for my sin, I find joy, comfort, and peace in the realization that the Lord Jesus Christ has put away my sin by dying in my place under the wrath of God. How I thank God for the sin-atoning blood of Christ!

     THE GLORIOUS SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD (Psa. 115:3; 135:6; Dan. 4:35-37). My heavenly Father, the great God, my Savior, is in complete, absolute, total control of the universe. He is sovereign over all the elements of nature, all the thoughts and deeds of men, and even over satan and the demons of hell. Nothing ever comes to pass but that which he purposed in eternity and rules completely for my good and his glory. Since my Father rules this world, nothing should give me fear.

     DIVINE PROVIDENCE (Rom. 8:28; 11:36). Providence is the unfolding of predestination, the wise and orderly disposition of all things according to God's eternal purpose of grace for the glory of his own great name and the everlasting welfare of his elect. Whatever comes to pass, be it pleasant or painful, I am assured that it comes from the hand of my God, who is too wise to err, too good to do wrong, and too strong to fail. Though I may not be able to see how at the time, I know that everything that comes to pass will serve my own everlasting good, the eternal good of all God's elect, and the glory of God. Faith does not need an explanation, just the promise of God. How I thank God for his wise, adorable providence!


Don Fortner