LetÕs Make Some Rules


            We all love rules and regulations, rules and regulations by which we can govern the lives of other people. Frequently, I receive requests from young churches asking that I help them write a church constitution, church by-laws, or church covenant. When I ask why they desire to do so, few are able to answer. Those who do generally say something like, ÒWe want to be prepared for situations requiring discipline.Ó My response is, ÒWhy donÕt you wait until you have a problem before creating a rule to handle it? I promise you, if you make a rule you will find an excuse to use it.Ó I cannot find any rules in the New Testament by which we are to govern others, no rules requiring a plurality of elders or deacons in a local church. Rather, when the need arose, God supplied the need. Until a need arises, we are foolish to make a rule to govern it.







Don Fortner



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