Just suppose, if you dare, that the Lord God does not rule all things absolutely, that all things are not totally controlled by him. If God does not rule all things it must be for one of two reasons. Either he does not want to or he is not able to do so.

     TO SUGGEST THAT GOD DOES NOT WANT TO RULE ALL THINGS is to say that he does not care what happens, that he has abandoned his creation, that he has given up on his purpose for his creation.

     TO SUGGEST THAT GOD IS NOT ABLE TO RULE ALL THINGS ABSOLUTELY is to deny his omnipotence, omniscience and Godhead! The constant refrain of Holy Scripture is, "HE IS ABLE!" (Read Dan. 3:17; 4:37; 6:20-22; Phil. 1:21; II Tim. 1:12; Heb. 2:18; 7:25; James 4:12; and Jude 24-25).

     IN EITHER CASE, if God does not want to govern the world or is not able to do so, FAITH WOULD BE FOOLISH AND PRAYER WOULD BE AN EXERCISE IN FUTILITY. If there is anything or anyone in the universe who is not constantly ruled by God almighty, accomplishing his eternal purpose, then no word from God regarding anything future can be believed. If God does not control all things, he cannot be trusted to do what he has said he will do. If he cannot be trusted, it is foolish to pray to him!

     BUT NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE SO! According to the Book of God, "All things are of God...For of him, and through him, and to him are all things: to whom by glory forever. Amen"


Donald S. Fortner, Pastor


2734 Old Stanford Road

Danville, Kentucky 40422
