In most churches, everything is done in accordance with by-laws, constitutions, covenants, rules, regulations, and the vote of the monthly business meeting. The church assigns the pastor a time for vacation, tells him when and where he can go out for meetings, who he can have in his pulpit, and assigns his visitation duties. The pastor and deacons do not dare do anything without first taking a vote. These things have come to pass because pastors are looked upon as hirelings, (Too often this attitude is justified!), and because there is no bond of love between the pastor and his people, and among the people in the congregation.

                There is a better way of doing things. The Church of Christ should function as a family upon the principles of love and trust. This kind of relationship cannot be understood by the natural man or the unsaved religionist. A carnal church must have its carnal laws. But for the people of God, love and trust is sufficient.

                A pastor who loves Christ, loves his Church, and loves the Gospel, does not need rules and regulations to motivate him and keep him in line. Deacons who love Christ and one another do not need a set of rules and duties assigned to them. Church members who love one another and trust their God-given leaders do not need to vote on their actions. God’s servants will make their decisions and perform their work to the best of their ability for the glory of Christ, the good of his people, and the furtherance of the gospel.

                All of us working together, being united by love and trust, and seeking the glory of Christ, carry on the work of the ministry and fulfill the will of God as a family. Love and Trust, truly, this is “a more excellent way”. We have found it to be so, and we cherish it dearly. Regenerated men understand it, and rejoice in it. But it seems to be a waste of time to try explaining it to others.

                Let others do what they must, we have tasted the sweetness of brotherly love; we cannot and will not return to carnal rules and regulations.