It is common to hear conservative preachers say, "I don't make that an issue". They do not want to offend anyone, or get anyone upset, so they do not make an issue over the doctrines of Divine Sovereignty, Human Depravity, Eternal Election, Effectual Redemption, Irresistible Grace, or the Perseverance Of The Saints. One might wonder, "What on earth do such preachers make an issue?" They make an issue of human morality, but not the righteousness of God. They make an issue of man's free-will, but not God's sovereign purpose. They make an issue of Christ's second coming, but not his substitutionary atonement. THEY MAKE AN ISSUE OF THOSE THINGS THAT RAISE NO ISSUE AMONG MEN. BUT THEY DO NOT MAKE AN ISSUE OF THE GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD. I am not of that school. I MAKE IT AN ISSUE! In fact, the only issue I have is the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ. In this place we will continue to declare and defend those five blessed truths which are fundamental and essential to the gospel: TOTAL DEPRAVITY - UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION - LIMITED ATONEMENT - IRRESISTIBLE GRACE - PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS. These things may be offensive to men. They may run in opposition to the tide of modern religion. But they are plainly revealed in the Word of God. They are the basis of our soul's comfort. And they give honor to the Lord our God. Others may choose to water these truths down, ignore them, and be silent about them. I cannot. God the Holy Spirit has burned them into my heart. When it comes to the gospel of Christ, and these truths of the gospel, I MAKE IT AN ISSUE!