My family is dearer and more precious to me than anything upon this earth. I work hard to provide for my family's needs. I pray for God's blessings upon my family. I carry the burdens of my family. I weep when any of my family weep and rejoice when any of my family rejoices. I am devoted to the welfare of my family. I am a "family man", a man wrapped up in his family. I will do anything I can to protect my family from harm and to keep it from error. I am truly thankful for the love, joy, and peace God has bestowed upon my family in Christ, by the gospel. I guard it with jealousy and cultivate it with tenderness. I enjoy being with my family. The sweetest company I know on this earth, I find with my family. I refuse to allow anything to rob me of the privilege of being with my family. You are my family. "Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother" (Matt.12:50). You who believe on Christ, you who are washed in his blood and robed in his righteousness, are my family. I give thanks to God that he has made me a part of this family. I do love my family.