During the year we have been together, the Lord has abundantly blessed our fellowship. We have had to meet numerous expenses, and you have given generously, rallying to every call for help. Stop today for a moment, look around you, and see what marvellous things the Lord has done! He has given us this comfortable and beautiful house of worship. He has given us the means to expand the various aspects of our ministry for the glory of Christ. In one year we have established a radio broadcast, a good tape ministry, a tract distribution, and a large mailing list for our church bulletins. And, above all, the Lord has graciously increased our fellowship in the gospel. And I want you to know that I appreciate you, the people of God, who have given so much to make these things possible. I appreciate your love for Christ, for the gospel, and for me.

May it please the Lord ever to increase our knowledge of his love and grace, and our ability to preach the gospel to our generation for the glory of Christ.