It is not at all unusual for men who are offended by our doctrine to denounce us in very obnoxious terms. In an attempt to make the gospel we preach sound very bad and ugly, we are sometimes called Hyper-Calvinists and Antinomians. Usually the men who use these terms do not know their historic meaning. But when such men cannot refute our doctrine, they try to mar our character with vile, ignominious names. This should come as no surprise to us. When the Pharisees could find no flaw in our Lord's character, and could not refute his doctrine, they tried to destroy his influence by calling him a wine-bibber and the friend of publicans and sinners. Therefore, when self-righteous religionists are upset by my preaching and begin to make accusations against me, I do not take it as an insult. Rather, I take it to be a seal to my ministry and a confirmation of my doctrine.

                Men have charged me, and some of my companions in the gospel ministry, with being a Hyper-Calvinist. If by that charge they mean that I preach God's Absolute Sovereignty, Man's Total Depravity, The Eternal Election of Divine Love and Grace, Christ's Effectual and Particular Redemption of His People. The Irresistible and Unfailing Grace of the Holy Spirit in Salvation, and the Eternal Salvation of Every Believer, if that is their charge, I must plead guilty! I do confess that I both believe and preach that,  "Salvation is of the Lord"!

                Others have said, "Fortner is an Antinomian." If by that charge they mean that I proclaim the believer's total freedom from the law in Christ, again I plead guilty, as charged! It is my delight to preach that, "Christ is the end of the law"! He is the end of the law's types, prophecies, instruction, requirements, and curse. Neither justification nor sanctification come by the law. Christ is all our righteousness! In Christ we are free! We are free from the law's curse, constraint, covenant, and condemnation.

                Let men charge us with the vilest of names, if it pleases them. We will go on preaching Christ the Lord, Our Only Savior, Our Sovereign Lord, Our Only Righteousness, and Our Only Master. We refuse to be entangled again with the yoke of bondage! Grace alone is our plea!