Paul admonishes husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. He admonishes wives to reverence their husbands. As a general rule, it is an easy thing for a man to love a woman who truly reverences him; and it is an easy thing for a woman to reverence a man who truly loves her.

                "Husbands love your wives." Treat your wives with tender and compassionate thoughtfulness. Care for them, protect them, provide for them, and nourish them. Be kind and considerate of them. Cherish them above all earthly concerns and relationships. Let your speech, your actions, and your attitude toward your wives reflect a self-sacrificing, self-denying love for them. Let the rule of your conduct in your home be love--forgiving, kind, thoughtful, patient, gentle love.

                "Let the wife see that she reverence her husband." A godly, believing woman will hold her husband in high esteem, reverencing him as her lord. She will honor her husband in her thoughts, in her speech, and in her conduct, thinking well of him, speaking well about him, and acting well toward him. The great test of a woman's love for her husband is her willing subjection and obedience to him in all things.

                These two things will secure peace and happiness in your homes. A man loving his wife and a woman reverencing her husband can overcome all other obstacles together.